Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   China - to home(malta) any advice greatly appreciated.. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/china-home-malta-any-advice-46465)

iamamalteser 15 Nov 2009 04:31

China - to home(malta) any advice greatly appreciated..
Hi ,
I am planning to buy a cj750 with sidecar in china and drive it back home to Malta around Sep 2010. I have only just started planning this even though Ive been wanting to do this for years. I understand its a big hassle to buy a bike in china and get a chinese drivers licence but im determined!:clap:
I would like to drive from china - nepal - india - pakistan - iran - turkey - europe but im a bit paranoid about driving through pakistan.If any one has any advice on alternate routes and how to deal with buying a bike in china and sorting all the paper work out to exit china would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah is it possible to get a carnet on the bike in china and is it really neccesary ? anyways thanks in advance.....Luke.

Redboots 15 Nov 2009 12:48


Originally Posted by iamamalteser (Post 264142)
.If any one has any advice on alternate routes and how to deal with buying a bike in china and sorting all the paper work out to exit china would be greatly appreciated.

Roel Hendrickx is the man you need:thumbup1:: Journey Shanghai->Vlijmen
There is a contact address on the web site. He speaks/writes English.


iamamalteser 15 Nov 2009 18:48

nice one thanks

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