Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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CoPe 17 Apr 2016 22:59

I am new to this site and as previously posted have 4 months to play with from Aug. to Nov. I was previously thinking to fly to Lisbon and purchase a bike there and ride Portugal a bit of southern Spain then cross to Morocco. Now i am thinking as I will already be in the US for my sisters wedding to buy a bike there ride to BC and pick up a friend then drive from BC to Panama. Will ride solo from California to Panama however. Seems like a good run from what I have read in the forums here already.

What do you all think of these routes and what would your preferences be? I appreciate your advice.



mollydog 18 Apr 2016 02:34


Originally Posted by CoPe (Post 536211)
I am new to this site and as previously posted have 4 months to play with from Aug. to Nov. I was previously thinking to fly to Lisbon and purchase a bike there and ride Portugal a bit of southern Spain then cross to Morocco. Now i am thinking as I will already be in the US for my sisters wedding to buy a bike there ride to BC and pick up a friend then drive from BC to Panama. Will ride solo from California to Panama however. Seems like a good run from what I have read in the forums here already.

What do you all think of these routes and what would your preferences be? I appreciate your advice.



Good plan and if can you keep on the same time schedule, you should do well weather wise as well. Riding up to Canada in August is good, probably best weather of the year. That good weather should hold all the way through California.

But keep in mind the rainy season (starting at around Mazatlan in Mexico)
will go from roughly May/June until roughly October, where it will taper out. By November it "should" be mostly dry, but never count on that. Heaviest rain typically in September. Also, by November temps "should" moderate a lot, but before that ... it will be HOT and HUMID. Dress accordingly.

You can spend a lot of time exploring everywhere along your route. Just keep weather in mind regards riding a motorcycle. The sub tropical rain in Cent. America is TOUGH to ride in, but if you have to (I did) ride EARLY in the morning (usually not raining then) and plan to stop around Noon or 2 PM when it may cloud up and POUR ... all night. (This is just typical pattern)

The good cool and dry weather should last until April at least, but best months for Cent. America are November to March.

I highly recommend exploring the Caribbean side of Cent. America in early dry season. Also, see central highlands of Mexico and of course Baja. Indigenous cultures are still alive and (sort of) well in Guatemala Highlands. I don't know Panama at all and my info on specifics is old. Get current info from travelers currently ON THE ROAD.

Get off Pan American highway if you can (busy, congested and dangerous), do some looking around in more rural areas. That's the beauty of a motorbike. You can easily get to just about anywhere.

CoPe 18 Apr 2016 04:06

Great thanks for your advice i am still sitting on the fence in regards to Portugal and Central Amer. but this certainly kicks me closer to one than the other.

Grant Johnson 18 Apr 2016 05:04

mollydog has done a good job describing Central America, I'd just add that just about anywhere off the Pan-American Highway is really good. People are very friendly and helpful, but it does help a LOT to learn a little Spanish. Good Spanish schools in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico and Antigua Guatemala. I always recommend doing both - stop at the first one and spend a week to get the basics, ride to the next one, then you know what you don't know and can really make good use of it.

Have a great trip!

CoPe 19 Apr 2016 02:48

Thanks Grant I have a bit of Spanish and working on it before i go but staying would be a good idea as well.

If i do this trip i should be crossing the boarder at San Diego around Sept 10 as I will be coming from Burning Man. My 17 yo daughter will fly to meet me and I was thinking to meet her in LA and drive south with her to Baja. she will have 2 weeks with me. Could we make it to Cabo within that time?

I am not to worried about traveling in Mex but just wondering about bringing my daughter. Thoughts?

Also I will do most of this trip solo but have had a few people suggest i find a travel companion again what are your thoughts? I don't usually travel with others but going to virgin territory now.

So far comments are mostly about Central America does anyone have suggestions or preferences for the other idea which is Portugal/Spain/Morocco?

Thanks again all.

Grant Johnson 19 Apr 2016 23:43


Originally Posted by CoPe (Post 536303)
Thanks Grant I have a bit of Spanish and working on it before i go but staying would be a good idea as well.

If i do this trip i should be crossing the boarder at San Diego around Sept 10 as I will be coming from Burning Man. My 17 yo daughter will fly to meet me and I was thinking to meet her in LA and drive south with her to Baja. she will have 2 weeks with me. Could we make it to Cabo within that time?

Easily! But if you want to stop and enjoy on the way, it's up to you how long you stay.


Originally Posted by CoPe (Post 536303)
I am not to worried about traveling in Mex but just wondering about bringing my daughter. Thoughts?

No more issue than anywhere else, I wouldn't personally worry - most of what you HEAR about safety in Mexico is based on "border town nonsense by drunk college kids getting into the trouble you'd expect," OR drug related incidents that are unlikely to be an issue for you, anymore than any other place - in other words, s**t happens, but don't expect it.


Originally Posted by CoPe (Post 536303)
Also I will do most of this trip solo but have had a few people suggest i find a travel companion again what are your thoughts? I don't usually travel with others but going to virgin territory now.

See comments above about travelling with your daughter, same. If YOU like travelling solo, go solo - you'll certainly meet more people and have much more of a "meet the local people" experience.


Originally Posted by CoPe (Post 536303)

So far comments are mostly about Central America does anyone have suggestions or preferences for the other idea which is Portugal/Spain/Morocco?

Thanks again all.

Portugal/Spain/Morocco is all excellent and I can certainly recommend them all! Depends on you and what appeals to you. OR plan on doing both - but it's hard to decide which to do first :)

Grant Johnson 19 Apr 2016 23:46

By the way, go to "User Options" on this page near-ish the top and "Edit your details" so we know where you're from at least - that can help with giving you relevant information!

CoPe 21 Apr 2016 05:31

Thanks for all your input Grant. Have updated info even put up a pic and all. I am not worried about travel much just thought i would inquire about my girl she has done 2 months in Peru with me already so seasoned.

I will do Europe but in the future now. I think i will try to do Central and South America over the next 12-18 months then look at Singapore to India.

I will be trawling through all the pages to get informed of all i will need for the trip and then start looking for which bike.

Thanks again.


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