Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Coban to Flores, Guatemala (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/coban-to-flores-guatemala-39940)

judgejoe 7 Jan 2009 03:28

Coban to Flores, Guatemala
I have some conflicting information from my research regarding the road surface, currently, from Coban, Guatemala to Flores, Guatemala. What type of road surface exist from either 1) Coban to Chisec to Sayaxche to Flores (CA 5?), or 2) Coban to Chamtaca to Fray Bartolome de Las Casas to Poptun? For this portion of our trip, I would like the best surface. Also, it is my understanding that the road surface from La Ruidosa to Flores is paved (CA 13). Thanks.

dboisclair 7 Jan 2009 17:07

Good Roads
This info isn't current by any means but three years ago my wife and I road a bus from Coban to Flores and the road was great. A lot will depend on how it's been maintained in the interim but at least it's paved. Likewise, the road from Flores through to Honduras was very good.
Hope this helps

Simon Taylor 7 Jan 2009 18:14

Hi Joe,

We were travelling around Guatemala & Honduras in September 2008 & the road surfaces were great (We were in a 4x4 not on two wheels unfortunately)
Your proposed route is all paved. (Coban to Chisec to Sayaxche to Flores)
The only items to keep an eye out for are the speed humps. Some of these are 30cm+. Also if you have the opportunity I would highly recommend at least one day in Tikal. (You are probably already planning this) also on the outskirts of the Tikal national park there is a number of zip lines through the tree canopies. ( The longer 2-3 hour route is $20USD & great fun).
Have a great trip & if you require any other information just let me know.

judgejoe 8 Jan 2009 00:09

Thanks for the replys. They are very helpful. We will be in Tikal for 3 days, and wasn't aware of the zip lines. Sounds great. jjw.

dboisclair 9 Jan 2009 17:01

Howler Monkey's
It has nothing to do with riding but one piece of advice - don't miss the oportunity to get up early and hit the park while the monkey's are still active. It's AMAZING! - they're incredibly loud and would scare the hell out of anyone that didn't what they were. It's definitley a must see.

JulieBuny 16 Sep 2009 22:41

Road to Flores and accom in Lake Atitlan
Judge Joe - did you do the road to Flores? We are going to the border MEx/guat tomorrow heading to Huehue and to Lake Atitlan and up to Tikal 3 days later for 3 days.

Any info on accom in Lake Atitlan. In Tikal we heard Jaguar Inn is great.

Any info from anyone would be great.

flatirongs 17 Sep 2009 01:12

jaguar inn
jaguar inn is a few minute walk to the ruins in tikal, and cheap with good food, at least if it was five years ago. in attitan there are literly dopzens of hostels and hotels, no problem ever finding a place

Growler 17 Sep 2009 02:40

Go to Tikal before sunup, climb the tallest structure and watch the sun come up. Amazing!!!!!

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