Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Colorado to Alaska June-July 2011???'s (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/colorado-alaska-june-july-2011-a-54354)

Jwrover 18 Dec 2010 18:27

Colorado to Alaska June-July 2011???'s

This is my first post on the HUBB. I've been around on the ADVrider forum for about 5 years...I hope theirs no wierdness between the two communities!?:D

So riding buddy and I are planning a trip to Alaska. Could someone please review this route plan:

Directions to Anchorage, AK - Google Maps

and let me know what issues I need to consider? I'm most concerned about fuel between Prince George and Watson Lake. Also, is this section of road paved or gravel?


John Ferris 18 Dec 2010 19:42

Bell 2 Lodge has gas, food rooms. Bell 2 Lodge, Along the Stewart Cassiar Hwy, BC - Steelhead Fishing in Northwestern BC

Deese Lake also Dease Lake.net - Welcome to Dease Lake!

Meziadin Junction is closed. Meziadin Bell Ii - Destinations - Stewart Cassiar Region - BC Canada

The Cassiar Highway I don't think is paved yet. Most of it is.
The Alaske Highway (ALCAN) is officially paved but every year they repave sections so you will find areas 20 miles or so torn up and under construction on both highways.

T.REX63 18 Dec 2010 20:42

Ahhh, ...one of my favorites. Have done 3 Alaska/Canada trips so far, the last one this summer (2010).

The Alcan AND the Cassiar are completely paved except for the occasional road construction. Heck, the Cassiar has road markings starting at Kitwanga (south end) all the way ~60 miles north of Bell II. :(.

Unless you have a really small gas tank (less than 150 mile range), gas should not be an issue on either one. But, always check with the The MILEPOST: Alaska Travel Guide and Trip Planner

The Cassiar in particular had way more service stations open in 2010 compared to 2008.

Enjoy, its a blast :thumbup1:

othalan 9 Feb 2011 22:33

No advice, but I am planning a similar route the first leg of my RTW trip, leaving in early June. Hope to see you on the road!

Jwrover 9 Feb 2011 22:52

Thanks All
Thanks for the input and advise. Planning is slow right now due to demands of work.
Will have to get back to it pretty quick.
I've ordered a luggage rack and Rotopax fuel packs to use for the trip. Pretty sure I'm gonna use Wolfman Adventure panniers (large) for the trip on a full luggage rack mounted with fuel, water, parts.

When I get it all set up I'll post a photo!

Thanks again!

GS_Girl 19 Mar 2011 19:10

If you go to Wolfman's Store (tiny place in Longemont) they gave us discount if you paid in cash!

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