Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Costs!!! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/costs-2191)

Bossies 14 Sep 2005 17:48

I can't seem to find anywhere on this site information on costs!?!

Fair enough I have an idea of what I'm going to spend on the bike and luggage and kit etc but what other "hidden" costs are there.

I intend going from London to Cape Town so how much should I allow for to cover brides, food, accomodation etc

Coming from Windhoek myslef I know what to expect in Southern africa but not sure of the rest of Subsahara and North.

Mike 14 Sep 2005 21:23

I've never been to Africa but as I'm currently going through a divorce, I can promise you from bitter experience that brides will add *hugely* to yr costs!

Rene Cormier 15 Sep 2005 11:27

You can use the search function to some extent. For example http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb...ML/000210.html

More info there...

ultracarve27 19 Sep 2005 07:11

Buy the adventure motorcyling handbook By the modurator of this forum, you need it. He reckons on 4000pounds for a trans-africa trip currently.I'm gonna try do mine on 3000. When are you off?

Sime66 27 Sep 2005 00:57

I'm in the middle of the same trip (Tanzania). I know everyone says you can do it all on thruppence a day, and some people say don't leave home without a platinum amex, but I reckon it depends largely on (a) how much beer you drink (b) how many accidents you have (c) how many times you have to go home for a funeral. If the answer to all of these is "none", then you could maybe manage on - oh I dunno - 20-25 US dollars a day. If, like me, you tend to drink rather a lot, double that seems to work for me. And that allows you money to have one expensive accident, and also fly home for a week for 1 funeral.

That was a great "brides" gag BTW Mike!!


[This message has been edited by Sime66 (edited 26 September 2005).]

Mombassa 27 Sep 2005 02:32


Check "Money" link on the left here:


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