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dnicoletti 14 May 2011 14:28

crossing Russia in a month
hi there,
i'm looking for some suggestion/warning about my wayback from Japan to Italy.
i've planned, if may i'll get the russian tourist visa, to ride across the whole russia, from Vladivostok to latvia in 30 days, july 27th /aug. 25th this year, including a week to spend in Mongolia. by the way, does anybody know about entering mongolia from south east chita and what about the road conditions from there to ulaan bator?
i would to know if it is may doable the Transiberian highway within this amount of time and what about the road situation/hassles i could to face on it, apart of greedy policemen.
thanx in advance,


motoreiter 14 May 2011 15:05

Isn't your tourist visa single entry? If so, how do you plan to enter Mongolia and then re-enter Russia?

colebatch 15 May 2011 10:06


Originally Posted by dnicoletti (Post 335618)
hi there,
by the way, does anybody know about entering mongolia from south east chita and what about the road conditions from there to ulaan bator?

There is a lot of detail about that crossing into Mongolia from Russia near Borzya and also info and fotos of the condition of the road to Ulaan Baatar in this report ... the relevant information for you begins on this page (44)
Siberian Extreme 2010 - Back for More - Page 44 - ADVrider


Originally Posted by dnicoletti (Post 335618)
i would to know if it is may doable the Transiberian highway within this amount of time and what about the road situation/hassles i could to face on it, apart of greedy policemen.

The road from Vladivostok to Latvia is possible in 2 weeks now ... its 10,000 km and is now all asphalt apart from a few tiny sections where there are roadworks. You just need to ride 700 km a day.

dnicoletti 15 May 2011 12:45


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 335688)
There is a lot of detail about that crossing into Mongolia from Russia near Borzya and also info and fotos of the condition of the road to Ulaan Baatar in this report ... the relevant information for you begins on this page (44)
Siberian Extreme 2010 - Back for More - Page 44 - ADVrider

The road from Vladivostok to Latvia is possible in 2 weeks now ... its 10,000 km and is now all asphalt apart from a few tiny sections where there are roadworks. You just need to ride 700 km a day.

thanx Colebatch,
i knew you were reply me about my questions...
i had a look on your report and pics: very inviting.
by the way of the road from russian/mongolian border to onward: do you think it is doable on a Harley? i saw the two grassy track but it doesn't seems so sandy or may i'm wrong? may i attempting it or should i give up?
two more points: my mileage it's on about 280ks with a full tank: do i'll get some trouble to find refilling points along the road?
and how long does it takes ride from the border to UB?
thanx in advance,


dnicoletti 15 May 2011 12:48


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 335620)
Isn't your tourist visa single entry? If so, how do you plan to enter Mongolia and then re-enter Russia?

i've got in touch with an agency wich says it could provide to get me a 30 days double entry tourist voucher.
hope they don't lie...



colebatch 16 May 2011 10:08


Originally Posted by dnicoletti (Post 335711)
thanx Colebatch,
i knew you were reply me about my questions...
i had a look on your report and pics: very inviting.
by the way of the road from russian/mongolian border to onward: do you think it is doable on a Harley? i saw the two grassy track but it doesn't seems so sandy or may i'm wrong? may i attempting it or should i give up?
two more points: my mileage it's on about 280ks with a full tank: do i'll get some trouble to find refilling points along the road?
and how long does it takes ride from the border to UB?
thanx in advance,


Your mileage on asphalt and in Mongolia will be different. If you get 280 km normally, you will get 200 - 230 km in Mongolia on dirt and sandy roads ... and that is not really enough. But just find an old 5 litre plastic oil container, fill it with petrol and take it with you.

is it possible on a Harley? I dont know how good a rider you are and how much off road experience you have on your harley. I think a good rider can do it on a Harley yes - some parts will be a challenge but you can cross the Sahara on a Harley if you are a good enough rider and have enough experience.

dnicoletti 16 May 2011 17:04


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 335821)
Your mileage on asphalt and in Mongolia will be different. If you get 280 km normally, you will get 200 - 230 km in Mongolia on dirt and sandy roads ... and that is not really enough. But just find an old 5 litre plastic oil container, fill it with petrol and take it with you.

is it possible on a Harley? I dont know how good a rider you are and how much off road experience you have on your harley. I think a good rider can do it on a Harley yes - some parts will be a challenge but you can cross the Sahara on a Harley if you are a good enough rider and have enough experience.

i do not have proper off-road skills and experience. i've just rode my bike trhough Pamir, Karakoram and Himalaya (2,000km off road) along this trip.
hope this would be enough.



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