Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Tommo 9 Sep 2004 15:31

Crossing the pyrenees

Family and work commitments seem to constantly thwart all my RTW travel plans so i've come up with a cunning plan to do it in 1 or 2 month segments interspersed with work and family devotion..:-) Part 1 of this plan consists of moving somewhere where i can access Africa and Europe quickly so ...........

.....I am planning to move my family to southern spain In the next few months, I will be riding my 640 adventure down there at some point over the next 6 months, And would like to go via Andorra, When do the mountians become unpassable by bike and when would they be passable again?

beddhist 12 Sep 2004 15:04

If you mean: when can you not cross the mountains to get to Spain? The answer is: never. The two coast roads are always open, as is the tunnel under the Col de Somport. Barring extremes of weather, of course.

If you mean: when can you cruise the high mountain passes? I don't really know... As in the alps it depends on the altitude and location. The French side is generally wetter, so I guess that more roads are closed by snow for longer. But I suppose that doesn't help you, either...

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


RichLees 12 Sep 2004 18:40

the pass into Andorra is cleared whenever it snows cos otherwise the skiers wouldn't get in! I've been over Pas de la Case in a mid-winter blizzard on a KLR650. fun, but not difficult if you have reasonable tyres.

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