Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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JimVanMorrissey 15 Nov 2010 20:02

Custom-built Indian Itinerary
Hi all,

I'm here in Delhi, having spent two weeks getting my bike fixed up for the next segment of my RTW trip. I leave in two days.

Basically I've got 40 days to do the following general route:

In and around Kerala state

Would anybody out there have any advice on specific places I should definitely hit up along that route? Are there any roads in particular I should be trying to stick to, ones with decent tarmac and good scenery and not too many trucks?

Thanks everybody for your time!

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pare.raviraj 16 Nov 2010 03:02

Hello JVM,
The road in the west coast connecting goa to kerala is good. you will be riding through the western ghats through Karnataka.
By the way, dont miss out Rajasthan.
I work in Chennai, but i am from karnataka. good that you have chennai on the itinerary.


fugitive 18 Nov 2010 00:16

Hi JVM, I travelled down the coast from Goa on the NH17 to Kundapura, just a slow ride stopping off at coastal places on the way. Heading back I just turned right off the NH17 and took small roads back through the Western Ghats. Jogg Falls may be worth a look, I've not been because there's not much of a water fall in Feb. I just looked at google earth, people post lots of photos on there of places of interest, if they look cool I'd try to vist. Coastal or inland a little, both beauitful.

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