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Rockwell 10 Aug 2014 09:56

Customs checkpoints for Greece/Italy ferry?
Is there a customs check-point that requires a passport check when taking a ferry between Greece and Italy? Both are in the Schengen zone, so I would guess maybe not?

Titbird 10 Aug 2014 10:01

I can't remember having to show my passport a couple of months ago, Patras to Venice.

vinnie 10 Aug 2014 21:20

There wasn't for us in 2009 from patras to brindisi. But there was the time before, about 2002 ish. Hope this helps.

nKmS 11 Aug 2014 07:46


Originally Posted by Rockwell (Post 475914)
Is there a customs check-point that requires a passport check when taking a ferry between Greece and Italy? Both are in the Schengen zone, so I would guess maybe not?

Passport check like when you're crossing international border no, but the crew of the ship might (rarely) ask you for an identity document before boarding - not necessary a passport, a national ID card or a drivers license will do - more likely if you don't have eu plates.

RodYork 17 Aug 2014 19:44

no requirement- I was there on bikes last year...my riding buddy didnt even have his passport he had lost it!

Donmanolo 17 Aug 2014 20:57

Yes, they are both schengen countries so there is no customs or passport control, just like between all other countries in the schengen area.

However there are usually police cars parked by the ferry exit, and they will randomly inspect cars getting off the ferries , they may or may not take an interest in your canadian number plate (if that's what you have) since it's "unusual".

What are you running from? :innocent:

Fern 17 Aug 2014 21:38

Nothing on Ancona to Igomeniza ferry in back in 2012. Lots of young men driving what I guess to be stolen expensive British cars though..

PanEuropean 18 Aug 2014 04:24

You will find customs offices at the ferry docks, but my understanding is that those folks are only there to deal with complicated matters related to large commercial trucks.

As others have noted, both countries (Greece and Italy) are Schengen members, hence there is a free movement of people and personal effects.

You might be asked for some kind of ID, such as a driver licence, when you buy your ticket. That is primarily for use in case the ferry sinks enroute...

Knight of the Holy Graal 27 Aug 2014 17:17

Got ferry from Ancona (I) to Igoumenitsa (GR) in 2008 on my way to Petra in Jordan, but I did not have to show any passport to anybody...

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