Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/czech-slovakia-hungary-romania-bulgaria-55678)

henryuk 22 Feb 2011 16:18

Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria
Does anyone have any current tips on these countries. I am riding out from the UK to deliver a bike to another HU member from Oz who I am meeting in Greece (as you do). It's a very short trip so we wont be staying still but suggestions on where to go/what to see or places we could stay would be ace.

We are on a VERY tight budget that only just covers petrol so would be looking to wild camp as often as possible - does anyone live on this route that we could grab some garden from for one night?


The route
Sheffield, UK to Sheffield, UK - Google Maps

henryuk 22 Feb 2011 16:19

p.s. the route shown is a very very rough idea. We have about thirteen days total and are planning on blitzing it back from Greece in 3.

Ni3ous 22 Feb 2011 18:44

If you go throug Slovenia, I can give you a nice day in a vinyard house in my region.
What is the start and end point exactly?

henryuk 22 Feb 2011 18:53

Thanks for the offer, not sure how close we go to Slovenia but will check the maps.

The start point is Sheffield, UK. The next fixed point is Brno on 19th April to pick up a friend from the airport, then off to Varna (Bulgaria) where friend flies back. Then Greece to give the owner of one of the bikes their bike then back to the UK riding two-up.

mudmaps 23 Feb 2011 08:49

Slovakia= Martin (for mountain riding) Banska Stiavnica & Banska Bystrica (for cute towns near the mountains) - a great country with lots of great riding and not much traffick off the main roads
Hungary=Budapest (for culture) but basically the country is FLAT
Romania=Sighisoara and Brasov (great cute towns incl Dracula stuff). Great countryside
Czech=Prague (for a beautiful city), Brno (for the circuit)


Andysr6 23 Feb 2011 09:18

Hi, i see from ur map that from Edrime (Bugaria) you plan to go south into Greece and the follow the coast West. This route is a large well surfaced motorway which i found very boring, also Greece is very expensive at the moment. I would suggest heading West through Bulgaria which you will find more interesting and cheaper. For wild camping Romania and Bulgaria are good, just divert into the nearest forrest. In Hungary i recommend Route66 Biker Camp. Andy

TurboCharger 23 Feb 2011 11:09

Some must see places
For us there are a few must see places, but we didn't see a lot else (back in '09) as we were just passing through quite quickly.

Bulgaria: Rila Monestry and the Danube River

Romainia: Transfăgărăşan (SW of Sibiu) :funmeteryes:

Hungry: Lake Balaton, Budapest

Greece may be expensive if you are going to tourist areas or island hopping but well worth a few days if you have them.

Enjoy the ride!

henryuk 23 Feb 2011 23:25

Thanks a lot for the info guys!

Unfortunately the Transfagaran is shut when we go....

We are getting the ferry to Italy from Greece but will try and keep time in there to a minimum.

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