Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Dakar by road (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/dakar-by-road-23392)

IrishJohnny 30 Sep 2006 02:34

Dakar by road
Aplogies in advance if I'm talking nonesense but...is it possible to get to Dakar by road, on a Triumph Tiger in partuicular ???...this would be from the UK via France and Spain.

Thanks in advance.


backofbeyond 30 Sep 2006 08:46

Yes you can. Since the road from Nouhadibou to Nouakchott was finished its more or less tarmac all the way. Take a couple of cans to increase your fuel range and just follow all the French campers heading south for the winter

moggy 1968 2 Oct 2006 18:09

you'll need to be able to cover a range of at least 450km, preferably a little more as the last garage in western sahara often runs out of fuel as everyone fills up there before crossing the border. no mans land into mauri is still cross country but only for about half a mile or so.

Caminando 3 Oct 2006 09:46

Yes you can....the two posts before this are right, and there's a host of info on this topic on the HUBB

Happy desert roads!!!!

IrishJohnny 3 Oct 2006 13:19

Many thanks for the advice :)

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