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chiliz 27 Jul 2009 15:39

Denmark in Sept - any recommendations?
Hi - I'm going to have 2-3 days to spare in Denmark early Sept 09. I wish I'd paid more attention in my geography class of course, but any recommendations in terms of isolated beaches, sights for sore eyes, mouthwatering food, beautiful sunsets or simply good routes to explore?

Many thanks

pbekkerh 27 Jul 2009 16:54

Denmark doesn't have deep gorges or high mountains but rolling green hills, forests, small villages, city centers 5-800 years old, a lot of fjords and small islands, many white sand beaches.
In september, you can go to any beach on a workday and have kilometers for your self.

you can get a map in the tourist info with "margueritte routes" which are special signposted roads taking a motorist through Denmark on small scenic roads passing different sites. I even use these for bicycling as they generally are very low traffic roads but, being Denmark, very well maintaned.

You might want to stick to the east or west, as the great belt bridge costs 44£ for a return ticket.

The westcoast of Jylland is rougher than the rest of the country, with western winds being the prevailing winds in DK but is magnificent in an autumn storm with the North Sea crashing on kilometer wide white beaches and the foam rolling in the wind, where you'll be able to "fly" standing on a high sanddune in the wind.
Some of the beaches are navigable on a motorcycle :-)

there are many castles with public access, many dating back 4-600years with moats around and great museums.

The Danish National Museum is fantastic, especially their inuit collection of more than 100.000 thousand pieces, mostly from Greenland. Unique in the world.

The Vikingshipsmuseum in Roskilde has four ships found in the water just outside the museum and dug up. They have the largest vikingship in the world. A copy of a year 1020 warship, found under the museum and built exactly as the original with the same materials and tools. It was originally built by danish vikings in ireland and sailed to Denmark, when half of the british isles were danish ;-) . You might even go sailing in a vikingship but no plundering please.
Vikingeskibsmuseet Roskilde: The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark

There is a lime cliff at Møns with fossils and at Fur in a kind of clay cliff, there are fossils from a sea, 50mill. years old Fursund Turistforening - Fossil hunting

If you are interested in Cobra art, the Asger Jorn and the Carl Henning Pedersen museums in Jylland have the biggest collections of their art in the world.

You don't say where you will be in the country but this site may give you some inspiration.
The Marguerite Route - Denmark - VisitDenmark: The official guide to Denmark with Danish tourism and travel information such as hotels, map, flag, Copenhagen info etc.

If you need more concrete infos, just say so.

I can't take you around, as I'm still a lurker, shopping for a new bike. I only have two trackbikes in the garage.

From a trip from Denmark to Ireland:

Carl Henning Pedersen


jkrijt 28 Jul 2009 15:24

Motorcycle Museum
There is a very nice Motorcycle Museum in Stubbekobing. Really worth visiting.

You can visit an old sovjet submarine, the U-359 at Skibsvaerftsvej 8 in Nakskov.

You can read about my trip to Denmark on my website:
Jan Krijtenburg homepage (Travel pages)

chiliz 28 Jul 2009 23:19

massive thanks
Amazing - such a generous response and incredibly useful! Thanks both very much...I shall now sit anad contemplate...so little time. I'll post a small, yet incredibly engaging account of my travels so you can see what I crossed off the list.

I'm staying in Jutland, but obviously - will spread my wings from there.

Thanks once again...

Liz Childerley

pbekkerh 29 Jul 2009 01:40

If you´re into offroad and greenlaning, you could ask these guys over in Jylland for some advice maybe a take along trip.
English is fine on their board

TKD's forum: Holstebro Rundt vol.2

here is a sand and icecream trip
TKD's forum: Rømø is tur....

Rømø beach

Another beach further north

steveindenmark 13 Aug 2009 23:29

Hi Liz,

I am a Brit living in the South Of Denmark near to Haderslev, it is about an hour from the German Border.

If you can tell me where you are riding from and too I could give you some suggestions and possibly meet up somewhere.

I am doing a coast to coast ride on the 12th September with a few friends and staying at the Denmark touring camp overnight. It will be a nice ride and a good laugh if you are interested.


Indoors 14 Aug 2009 23:07

1 Attachment(s)
Western Denmark is certainly worth a visit.

And you don't necessarily need an off-road bike to tackle the beaches. This was last year at Lokken.

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