Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Discount Ferry Crossings Anyone??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/discount-ferry-crossings-anyone-35595)

Chris1200 31 May 2008 12:42

Discount Ferry Crossings Anyone???
Does anyone know of websites where I can find discounted ferry crossings? I'm going to Europe in July and will hopefully stay away for up to 2 months, therefore I am trying to cut my costs wherever possible.

I know that MCI tours offer codes for 10% discounts via their website however the routes are limited. Having said that, I do not want to create any impression that I'm looking for a free trip, and I think that any company that offers any discount is providing an excellent service for bike travellers.

Travelling from Ireland I could go direct to France or go via the UK. When you take into account the extra fuel costs of getting to the south of England it more than swallows up any discount on offer if you use the MCI offer.

If anyone has any ideas to cut my ferry costs then I (and milions of otheres!!!) would be delighted to hear about them.


exrm193 31 May 2008 13:26

Try Motorsport Travel on 01759-301010

They do good deals

chris gale 31 May 2008 16:42

Try Norfolk Line - they dont charge any extra for the length of your stay :thumbup1:

kevinhancock750 2 Jun 2008 16:02

promotion codes
do a search on promotional codes for your journey. eg- prom codes dover-calais or p&o prom codes. sometimes you can save a lot. some codes are 5% and some are lot's bigger savings , so dont go for the first code you find.

jfarenden 6 Jun 2008 13:54

Definately have a look at Norfolk Line if you're travelling through the UK - I've used them loads of times... they are cheap, don't take coaches, foot passengers etc. but are limited to people in cars, on bikes and freight traffic.

They use the Dover/Dunkirk route, which will pop you out nice and easily just north of Calais... avoids most of the tourist day tripper traffic.

Have a good trip.

Caminando 6 Jun 2008 15:34

Check Speedferries for cheapest rates....

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