Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Don't make me go home just yet!- So where next...? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/dont-make-me-go-home-28761)

MikeS 12 Aug 2007 06:49

Don't make me go home just yet!- So where next...?
So after 9 1/2 months on the road, that's Argentina to Alaska pretty much in the bag but it's not over yet! The thought of flying straight home right now is a little depressing and as I don't really need/want to be there until mid September, I've decided the thing to do is a wee jaunt around parts of Eastern Europe I've never been to first.

I could have flown straight to Glasgow for the same money but I've just arrange my bike flight from Vancouver to.....Munich for $1,700US with Motorcycle Express (I'll post later how that goes) so I'm now looking for advice on a route that I could do in about 4 weeks (slightly dependant on how quickly I get my bike out of customs). I originally wanted to go straight to Morocco and then ride back up to Scotland but no one here seems to fly there directly, and if they do, its too bloody expensive for me.

I've done bits of France, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany on bikes before but nothing further east than Praha so I'm thinking of heading from Germany in a sort of clockwise direction, via Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Croatia. Then a ferry over to Italy and zip back up though France. I'll allow a week or so to get from the south of France up to Edinburgh.

I'm on a budget so will be camping a lot of the way but will probably use hostels for the cities. Which are the cheapest/expensive countries and does anyone have any suggestions for a cool route?

StevenD 12 Aug 2007 11:05

drive east to Hungary, it's beutifull. from there straigt in to Romania, even better and cheapest european country i guess. Hang there for a while and drive back true Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and France.

Best route right now, although a bit hot around Croatia :)

Caminando 14 Aug 2007 01:59


Originally Posted by MikeS (Post 146931)
So after 9 1/2 months on the road, that's Argentina to Alaska pretty much in the bag but it's not over yet! The thought of flying straight home right now is a little depressing and as I don't really need/want to be there until mid September, I've decided the thing to do is a wee jaunt around parts of Eastern Europe I've never been to first.

I could have flown straight to Glasgow for the same money but I've just arrange my bike flight from Vancouver to.....Munich for $1,700US with Motorcycle Express (I'll post later how that goes) so I'm now looking for advice on a route that I could do in about 4 weeks (slightly dependant on how quickly I get my bike out of customs). I originally wanted to go straight to Morocco and then ride back up to Scotland but no one here seems to fly there directly, and if they do, its too bloody expensive for me.

I've done bits of France, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany on bikes before but nothing further east than Praha so I'm thinking of heading from Germany in a sort of clockwise direction, via Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Croatia. Then a ferry over to Italy and zip back up though France. I'll allow a week or so to get from the south of France up to Edinburgh.

I'm on a budget so will be camping a lot of the way but will probably use hostels for the cities. Which are the cheapest/expensive countries and does anyone have any suggestions for a cool route?

Your first thought is best thought as Allan Ginsberg used to say. What you have in mind as a route is good. In these countries, take the road less travelled, as R. Frost would say.

Or, see my thread on Baltic States. Also 'Knock etc on Russia's door.'

Good roads whatever they are!!!!!

noel di pietro 14 Aug 2007 10:06

If you really want to go to Morocco, why don't you go there? From Munich its only about one-and-a-half day, max 2 days to get to the ferry! Follow your gut as you have been doing the last 9 months. Morocco is FANTASTIC !



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