Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   East Africa -> Yemen -> Oman -> Iran (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/east-africa-yemen-oman-iran-1855)

cornepol 1 Jun 2002 22:49

East Africa -> Yemen -> Oman -> Iran
Hi there,

I want to go from East Africa (Kenia, djiboutie, ...) to Iran. Now planning to go through Yemen and Oman, but I don't know if that can be done.

Does anyone have experiences on this route? I heard is very difficult driving from Yemen to Oman through the desert. I also heard that it's hard to travel there for unmaried women. Is that right?

Any info on ferries crossing from east-africa to Yemen or Oman? The same question for Oman to Iran?


mootsie 10 Jun 2003 20:18

hi! did you finally do the trip? how was it? visa-troubles? could you - especially in yemen - move on your own? cause we plan the same with 2 motorbikes, ca. februar, march we should arrive in yemen, then continue to iran.
ulli & arthur, austria

B]Hi there,

I want to go from East Africa (Kenia, djiboutie, ...) to Iran. Now planning to go through Yemen and Oman, but I don't know if that can be done.

Does anyone have experiences on this route? I heard is very difficult driving from Yemen to Oman through the desert. I also heard that it's hard to travel there for unmaried women. Is that right?

Any info on ferries crossing from east-africa to Yemen or Oman? The same question for Oman to Iran?


lost1 11 Jun 2003 04:16


I did the trip in 1996. I went to Djibouti and found a dhow that was transporting beans to Al Mokha in Yemen. Upon arrival in Yemen I thought that I could just follow the coast of Yemen to Oman just like my michelin map. No way couldn't be done, no border there. I went inland on a goat trail and got lost (for 2 days) running out of fuel and water in the desert! I was found by nomads who helped me out. There is a road, that I think the Forwoods did on a Harley Davidson between the two countries. This would be a better option. Trust me. There is deep sand and some difficult stretches but it is doable.

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