Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Easy way through Mongolia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/easy-way-through-mongolia-25938)

pranda 2 Mar 2007 19:50

Easy way through Mongolia
I want some advice.
11/5/2007 I will be starting my RTW from Denmark - Sweden, Finland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, Russia, South Korea and then North America and ...
I want to pass through / cross Mongolia from west to Ulaanbaatar and then go south and north.
I can't make up my mind to take the northern or the southern rute.
I am 62, but in good form, and driving a Suzuki DL 650 V, so I want to avoid deep mud and sand.
greeting Randa :confused:

cybermon 4 Mar 2007 08:12

help in Mongolia
dear sir,

what do you want to know to travel in Mongolia. just write to my address: cybermongol@yahoo.com. I will try to find some way for your request.
No worry it is free help for you.

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