Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Enfields, mechanics and chai in the Mountains (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/enfields-mechanics-and-chai-mountains-38942)

farsidemc 15 Nov 2008 07:46

Enfields, mechanics and chai in the Mountains
July 2009, I am going to Karol Bagh in Delhi to find an Enfield to rent then I am heading north to begin the MC trek into the mountains.

The last time I was in the Indian Himalaya I walked into Padum from Darcha, now older, wiser, lazier and in love with the Goddess, the Royal Enfield I want to take the sidetrack route to Leh and drink as many chais as possible along the way. And, I am sure to be saying hi to lots of Enfield specialists along the way as the Godess enjoys a tweek almost daily.

I plan to spend two months in the mountains, I will shoot a documentary about the experience and I am looking for those who dare to bear their ares in chicken shit on camera.


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