Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   England to Vladivostck (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/england-to-vladivostck-53709)

coxy 12 Nov 2010 15:31

England to Vladivostck
Hi All
How long will it take me from England to Vladivostock? I have a Land Crusier in good nik,thinking going spring 2011.Havant go alot of time but i do it for the drive and the people i or we meet on the way not the sites i know that will upset a lot of people (stop and smell the roses and all that).
So how long and how early weather wise can i start will ship it back in a container thanks for a bit of help Coxy.

colebatch 12 Nov 2010 17:06

its about 12000km, asphalt all the way.

So it'll take as long as you want it to take. If you want to do 1000km a day or you want to do 100 km a day ... its your call.

LandCruiser wont be an issue but to be honest, a bog stock Ford Ka or Fiat Seicento would suffice and use 60 - 70% less fuel.

You could leave in mid April ... depending how fast you want to go. It can be anything from 2 weeks to 3 months depending how slow you want to go.

coxy 13 Nov 2010 07:56

Thanks for that Colebatch thats spot on perfect just what i wonted to hear.
I keep dipping in and out of your website its great reading when i get itchy feet.
Thanks again take care Coxy.

srace7 13 Nov 2010 07:56


Something tells me you are a relative of Justin Staal - I think when i was discussing my last escapade to him he mentioned your trips and directed me to your site... If I've got that wrong - ignore my ramblings !!

But I've done a bit of research about London to East Coast of Russia, and how to get back...

Ping me a pm if you feel like it with a phone number and we can have a chat at some point...


coxy 13 Nov 2010 09:03

Hi Simon.
Small World Justine calling me back with your number will call later.

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