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gary s 13 Nov 2006 22:11

Ethiopia in July?
Am keen to spend a bit of time in Ethiopia-northern half. Does anyone have any comments on what the weather's like in July/August & how it could affect a trip, as it's the most convenient time for me to be there? I know it's the rainy season, but how rainy is it? And how hot? Other option is Dec/Jan-not nearly as convenient, but how much better in terms of weather? Any info appreciated, including great places to go.

AliBaba 14 Nov 2006 08:01

I was in Ethiopia July-August 2002. It was raining, but not every day. From time to time there were also some serious hailstorms.
Some bridges were washed away, but I guess they often are.

Generally the roads in the north are stony and can manage a lot of water; the roads in the north consist of more soil and can be muddy, but usually they dries up pretty fast.

The temperature varies a bit, and from time to time it can get pretty cold. I don’t know how cold because my thermometer disappeared somewhere around Moyale.

Personally I like the south better then the north (Jinka, Key Afer, Turmi ++)

This picture is from the south late in July:

Have a nice trip!

gary s 14 Nov 2006 22:04

How wet & hot?
Thanks for the info.
How rainy & hot was it? Would you say it was a good time of year to be there if you had a choice. Would it be more likely to hinder travelling on some roads? You wrote about roads in the North twice- did you mean the South for one of these? If so, which one? A friend told me it could spoil the amazing views of the incredible landscapes.

AliBaba 15 Nov 2006 07:46

Ooops you are right, it should have been “Generally the roads in the north are stony and can manage a lot of water; the roads in the south consist of more soil and can be muddy, but usually they dry up pretty fast.”

The temperature was normally 15-20°C, a bit colder at night.
The rain might hinder you to go some roads it depends on your vehicle, your skills and your route. For me it was no problem and the roads in Ethiopia are slow anyway. They tend to be filled with people and goats.

Like your friend say it might spoil some of the view but usually it doesn’t rain for more then one hour every day so it’s not that bad. After all the rain makes the vegetation even greener and the soil even more red so the view is fantastic!

I have not been to Ethiopia beside this trip in July-August and even if I don’t like rain I would like to go again. The temperature around New Year should be a bit hotter and much dryer. Maybe November is the best time, pretty dry and lots of colors.

It’s a terrific country, but the locals will test your patience to the limits.


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