Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   europe to india (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/europe-to-india-1909)

bruce and ang 8 Nov 2003 21:55

europe to india
we are planning on travelling to india overland but are not sure on the best time of year to leave europe we are thinking of either april or september ? any advice would be appreciated on this and also which routes to take cheers

Werner 8 Nov 2003 22:29

Hi Guys,
Your questions are not easy ones, for all depends how much time you have and the kind of money. Having both in abundance is useful and determines your route. You can go either west, or east. West via North America, Russia and China, or east via Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. I assume that you will be going east. The problem spot here is the Anatolian highland in Turkey, for it will get very cold there after September. So, if taking that route, I suggest you leave in April, and be there when it's comfortable. You will be at a high altitude until you reach the Indus valley. Then it will get hot and humid. I was there last August and didn't find it unbearable, even on a motorcycle. You will get some rain, but usually a nice shower in the late afternoon. So be prepared and bring lots of money, preferably US$$$, then you can affort comfortable and safe hotels, and lots of beer (except in Iran and Pakistan), and you will have fun, a lot of it.

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