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1 Jan 1970 00:00

Europe / UK Trip advice wanted.

Dave from NZ 9 Jun 2001 12:02

starting a 2 month trip in Koln, Germany, late July, Thinking of heading south, then east, north, then across to the Netherlands, and down to Calais to go across to UK, Scotland. Then back down through France,top of Italy and into Austria and Switzerland. We relize that with such a hectic timetable, that it will be impossible to rest and soak up the atmosphere, but need to know the "Must See's", any route advice would be greatfully accepted, Intend to camp and B&B.
Two up on a 97 BMW R1100GS. Green Card sorted, but do we need a Carnat?

Regards, Dave.

Malki 15 Jun 2001 19:13

Hi Dave
No carnet required, if you intend to travel to Scotland as well, why not get the ferry from IJmuden in Holland to Newcastle, north east England, it would give you a better choice of places to go with less mileage involved. Lucerne in Switzerland is a must see. Very biker friendly place as is all of Europe. Bed and Breakfast is no problem in the UK, no need to plan for it, just turn up. I have just returned from a 7 countries in 7 days trip round Europe. If you need further details on routes let me know. The road system is excellent tho. Not much planning required.


Dave from NZ 16 Jun 2001 03:47

Taking the ferry across to scotland sounds like a quicker option, especially since pushed for time. Thanks for the tips, I'll be in touch via e-mail
Dave from NZ

r@iner 18 Jun 2001 02:36

Hi Dave,
i would suggest to take youth hostels in consideration as an option.
Disadvantage is that you can not bed on a room of your own - mostly you have to share.
On the other hand i made the experience that you get in contact with many more people, get the most recent info about must sees in the area, save time ( in comparison to a campground ) save money ( half the cost of B&B or less ).
Find details at:

have a nice trip

Graeme 14 Jul 2001 00:14

Gidday Dave,

Scotland is a wicked place to ride a bike. I caned my Guzzi 1000s around there for a week a few years back. Kinda like N.Z, lots of elevation, lakes and beautiful twisting turning tarmac with fack all traffic on it.
Netherlands is flat so consequently their roads are straight and no fun at all. Amsterdam certainly is a must see city for many diverse reasons however.
For the Monza Superbikes a couple of months ago I rode from Ulm in southern Bavaria down through Austria, Switzerland and Lichtenstein, so 5 countries in one day! This is the novelty of Europe for Kiwi's. Up and over the Julier pass in Switzerland down into Italy through quaint little villages like 'Cunter' was spectacular - highly recommended.
I agree will Malki, Europe is biker friendly. Much more so than England or even N.Z for that matter. England has too many people on a small island so traffic can be a headache, in in the south most of the time the best corners are roundabounds! But Devon, Cornwall and Wales are all great riding.
Oh and avoid Frankfurt - I know I live here!
Haere ra. Graeme.

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