Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   Family Drive - London, spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/family-drive-london-spain-italy-91329)

arkiboys 7 Apr 2017 23:23

Family Drive - London, spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany
Starting to plan the following holiday and it will be good to get your thoughts and experiences please:

-Four weeks family summer holiday with the car From London to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, London
-Booking accomodation a day or two before arrival at the next destination by airbnb or looking for accomodation on google map or may be a day or two in tent in a nice campsite if it is not too hot...
-Car is end of 2015 model, under 9,000 miles at present and has a sat nav. So will be using the built in sat nav as well as the google map on mobile phone to find routes...
I will have the car serviced before then.
Not sure if Tyres need to be re-placed, although they look still new.

catching the ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao in spain (Around 24hrs). Already booked
May be nearly two weeks in spain. Will try to avoid south west as I hear it is hot in end of July.
Any suggestions on which places to visit and drive through?
So perhaps drive from north towards centre and then towards east a few days at a time?...
-drive towards Italy, via south of france. May be stay in southern france for a couple of days if we find a good place to relax (Although we have been there a few years back)
Any suggestions where to visit in Italy as the next destination will be switzerland or Austria
drive towards Germany and visit for a few days
No need to stay in France or Belgium as it was visited previously.
Drive back to London from Germany may be a day stop on way.

Any suggestions on the route to take for this trip? especially in Spain?
Places to see?
Family is keen on water parks so I hope to plan visiting as many as good water parks as possible on route...suggestions ?
Websites to book accomodations, campsites ?
suggestions on items to have with us?
Any suggestions on t-mobile internet reception on this route?

I am getting prepared slowly but it will be good to read your thoughts, suggestions, experiences, etc. for this drive holiday.

Many thanks

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