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-   -   Ferry from Mexico west cost to Baja (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/ferry-mexico-west-cost-baja-34395)

nsk11 8 Apr 2008 17:04

Ferry from Mexico west cost to Baja
Is there any ferry service from Mazatlan to Baja? or any where from West cost to Baja? :helpsmilie:



yuma simon 8 Apr 2008 21:38

This is a detail map from the Map of Mexico Directory - 4,000+ pages of mexico maps with 2,500+ still, ipix and panoramic mexico pictures including mexico weather! site which does show some sort of ferry service running west/east

sinaloa mexico map [15] - map of sinaloa mexico [15] - mapa de sinaloa [15]

It's a little hard to see, but there is one shown, although not sure if it's currently running.

Here's where it shows two services ending up near La Paz in Baja, with the one from Mazatlan
baja california sur mexico map [12] - map of baja california sur mexico [12] - mapa de baja california sur [12]

Have you "googled" a search for ferry service?

MikeS 8 Apr 2008 23:06

There is a Ro-Ro ferry service. It runs from La Paz on Baja and ferry's run between Mazatlan and Los Mochis.

If the weather's ok, you can just sleep on the deck.

BajaFerries - Content

Sjoerd Bakker 9 Apr 2008 03:19

ferry to Baja
The Mazatlan to Pichilingue trip takes about 15 hours, an overnight run with vouchers for two meals included in the price. Like Mike says, if it is dry you can find a nice out of the wind spot on the upper deck to roll out the sleeping mat. The lounges are very crowded and stuffy ,sleeping in airplane style seats, kids puking and screaming around you , not comfy. Or you spring the big bucks for a cabin.
Los Mochis to Piche is about 6 hours.

nsk11 9 Apr 2008 06:10

thank you, the replies really help me to plan my trip.

yuma simon 18 Apr 2008 04:34

You do have to post your experiences now, preferably with photos (sans puking kids-heck, puking anyone!), of the boat ride...

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