Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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doktor 12 Dec 2006 13:29

ferry thicket
Hallo everybody! I`m looking for traveling around adriatic and ion see next year and have some question for anybody who can answer me. I`ve planned to take a ferry from Bari, Italy to Igoumenitsa, Greece. I`m interestin in what is usually time for booking or buy a feery thicket. Is it nessesery to secure my bike on ferry with streps? Some ideas!

MarkLG 12 Dec 2006 16:39

Try this site, they list your crossing:


I usually try and book tickets as soon as I know the dates - the prices are usually lower if you book early, increasing the later you leave it.
I've used a few of the ferries in the Adriatic around the Croatian islands, and they don't usually bother strapping the bike down. OK on a short crossing, but on a longer trip I'd make sure I strapped it down myself. A single ratchet strap is worth carrying just in case, and doesn't take up a lot of space.

ozhanu 13 Dec 2006 09:34


I've traveled from Venice to Igumenitsa. Took 24 hrs. They did not tide the bike up with a starps. It was OK when we arrived to Igumenitsa. However, always carry some straps to secure your bike.

Booking... I have booked the ticked about 3 months before before my trip. However, usually you can find a ticket on the counter as well. Especially for a motorbike. Prices are changing according to the time of the year. In summer period the tickets are more expensive. For more info you can visit:

Best of Luck
ozhan u.

Haakonbj 18 Dec 2006 07:59

I always carry a strap. From Venice to Igumenitsa I have never booked in advance, and never waited more than a few hours. Just cross the long bridge into Venice, take a right, and you will know where to go.


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