Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   france to Kyrgyzstan; some flights too (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/france-kyrgyzstan-some-flights-too-84685)

ex-xt 9 Dec 2015 13:57

france to Kyrgyzstan; some flights too
Hi all
I am just thiking about a ride from France to Kyrgyzstan , maybe but he southern route ( mean Turkey Iran) or the north via Russia. All possible for the moment .
Why just exploring possibilities ???
I think I can do it, if I take the time because my little level of expertise is here ( riding for 44 years and some hard pistes last month and so )
There is another opportunity called the whizzhttps://vimeo.com/127816397

It is a new wing which allows more wind ( seaside ) and mountains flights and is very light and simple , with the seat minimum , less than 4 kg !!
So I could take it with me and find/take time to fly a little .
Of course I know I wont find so many co-riders for this so
first find a good route . I know there are nice " spots " in caucase ! :scooter::rofl:

Tinoo 10 Dec 2015 04:37

Utilisez-vous Google Traduction ? Envoyez-moi ce que vous voulez dire . je vais essayer de vous aider....

ex-xt 10 Dec 2015 11:10

no google trad'
I do not use any google traduction, or g-mail, only the internet engine sometimes. Very seldom either. :freezing:
And , also, I am just looking for some advice about the better route, as there are at least spots for flying in Georgia, Armenia an Kyrghistan for sure .
Now I am checking the possibilty:scooter: of doing this with the wing or not .
Not really sure because of the gear needed, the weight and so on .

ex-xt 10 Dec 2015 16:12

thanks jmi ( I -already know you by DRZ forum !! :mchappy:)
I think i can talkin english enough
to use it here, like in university or travelling .
And , more important , it is a matter of behavior :rofl: here .
anyway have a good ride in south Africa :D:

Tinoo 19 Dec 2015 13:25

I am very sorry if my previous message sounded rude , in my ignorance I failed to look at the vemo page you set into your thread . It all makes sense now .
And that your English is a lot better than my French , and I have been here for three years .
I too am thinking of a trip but taking a more middle route destination Moscow meeting with a friend in Germany .
Once again sorry for my ignorance .
Regards Martin

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