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john-l 20 Dec 2001 16:26

from spain to marocco?
I am heading off on a trans african this january. I will start in Spain and take the ferry accross to Marocco.
My questions are:
1)where is it best to take the ferry from and which is the best destination in Marocco?
2)Should I book ahead or just show up? If I do need to book ahead, should I book a day, a week or a month in advance? How do I book?
(the Paris-Dakar i happening around that time)
3)How much does it cost for a bike and rider?
4) How cold is it is spain around that time? I'll take the autorzug train to Narbonne (I live in Norway) and thought I would ride from there, is this wishfull thinking?

Thanks for your help!

dagjen 20 Dec 2001 16:42

Northern Spain might be snow covered in mid January, but from Narbonne you can avoid the mountains, if you follow the coast towards Barcelona and Valencia. Southern Spain is no problem.

Check this page for ferries: http://www.andalucia.com/travel/ferry/home.htm



Jose Brito 20 Dec 2001 21:07

Hi John,

The best crossing is from Algeciras to Ceuta.
Timetables and taxes of the boat can be found in www.euroferrys.com

Good travel

peterkik 21 Dec 2001 14:50


The ferry from Almeria takes you twice a day to Melilla or Nador. Its about twice as expensive as Algecieras-Cueta. If you are not interested in Tangiers or or other place inthe upper north this crossing is a bit more hassle free and saves you riding time, especially when you follow the coast from France to Spain. You can get from Nador in Fes or Meknes in a day.
Booking ahead is not needed when you are on a bike (not at Almeria or Algecieras)
Crossing spain through the center is theoraticly faster because its all highways. But the coastroute is ussualy much less cold but slower and more crowded. But from Narbonne this will probably your option.

Julius 3 Jan 2002 20:43

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by john-l:
I am heading off on a trans african this january. I will start in Spain and take the ferry accross to Marocco.
My questions are:
1)where is it best to take the ferry from and which is the best destination in Marocco?
2)Should I book ahead or just show up? If I do need to book ahead, should I book a day, a week or a month in advance? How do I book?
(the Paris-Dakar i happening around that time)
3)How much does it cost for a bike and rider?
4) How cold is it is spain around that time? I'll take the autorzug train to Narbonne (I live in Norway) and thought I would ride from there, is this wishfull thinking?

Thanks for your help!

Hi John. did you know there is a ferry in France, from Sete-near Montpellier- to Casablanca? if needed, you can email me

airhead 22 Jan 2002 23:11

hello john,

took the night-ferry from almeria to melilla last spring. saves you one night in a hotel, but to cross the border from melilla to nador is the real hard way to get into morocco.
better take the day-ferry from almeria to nador directly. algeciras to ceuta may not be a good option for this time of the year, unless you definitely want to cross the rif and the altlas (in snow). if you are heading south you better avoid drug troubles (dealers & police) in the rif by going straight south from nador.


[This message has been edited by airhead (edited 22 January 2002).]

[This message has been edited by airhead (edited 22 January 2002).]

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