Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   From Tanzania to Scandinavia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/from-tanzania-to-scandinavia-36119)

tomwest 24 Jun 2008 16:20

From Tanzania to Scandinavia
Finlay there is light at the end of the tunnel,the projekt I have been working on in Zanzibar is comming to an end.
The plan is to ride home from here (2 bikes,and two more might join in for at least part of the trip)
The route we have decided is: Tanzania,Kenya,Ethiopia,Sudan,Egypt. Then Jordan,Syria and Turkey. When we reach Turky the plan blurs a bit, but I figure it can`t be that hard. At some point we hopefully end up in Denmark and Finland:thumbup1:

Anyone who possible have some experiences on traveling this rute or maybe parts of it, I would apriciate any info or tips on things that are must do/see, best road / worst road. Or things that are absolut no no any toughts are welcome.



Supervaca 9 Jul 2008 15:34

Sudan Problem
Hi Tom,
I'm a dane planning a trip from Copenhagen to Cape town on motorbike starting october 2008 going through Libya - Egypt - Sudan - Ethiopia - Kenya...

Problem is i just recieved an email from the Danish embassy in Addis abeba saying tha no danish tourist visum's are issued at this time because of the Muhammed cartoon crisis :nono: i am therefor currently looking at alternate routes.

Just something to keep in mind so you dont get stranded on the border of Sudan. Maybe we can meet somewhere in Africa for a beer :)

Gunnar Krohn
Supervaca (thingy) hotmail.com

slep_afrika 14 Jul 2008 12:57

Hey Tom,

Gunnar is absolutely right, the sudanese visa is the bottle-neck in your planing. This is the must difficult thing to solve. Not so long time ago it was comparable easy to get it in Dar. But there is no guarantee and every embassy acts different and changes its behavior from time to time. Sometimes you think it is good to argue and sometimes it's better to keep your mouth and let them do (if they do anything).
A lot of infos, espacially locations of embassies, you will find here .

Cheers Peter

tomwest 26 Jul 2008 06:18

Hi guys.

Yea I can see that Sudan might become a problem,well maybe not for me since I carry a Finnish Passport but my travel companions are Danes. We will investigate further and see what happens.



roken 29 Jul 2008 10:33

Hey guys,
My girl and I are currently working our way south, basically on the route you described. We are now in Egypt and will enter Sudan next week. When do you plan to leave? Our route is: Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania...

If you know Zanzibar well, do you know any cheap place we can stay for a while? We have been planing on spending a week or two there...

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