Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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usl 2 Oct 2002 18:36

From Tunusia to Senegal
Trying to plan a trip but ;

1-I read in lots of messages here that the border between Algeria and Morocco is closed. But the embassy here (Turkey) says its open and i can travel to Morocco from.I got confused.

2- Road from Dakhla to the border of Mauratania is quite fine but the roads in Mauratania itself ,well there is no road there anyway.So we have to travel through the desert till Senegal and do the plans accordingly.There is not a ferry between Senegal and Morocco or Mauratania or anywhere else.But then what about this ferry disaster? Did i get it right ? or where did i go wrong?

Chris Scott 14 Oct 2002 11:28

Have a look at

and then

Algeria to Morocco not possible. Any embassy is the last place to ask.


usl 15 Oct 2002 00:50

Your right ... although Algerian embassy says the border is open ,Moroccian embassy says is closed ... i even called Algerian embassy back and informed them ...travellers knows better ...

Biram 12 Nov 2002 02:52

As a former Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal, I can say that getting inbetween Senegal and Mauratania isn't a big issue.
Getting from Mauratania through Western Sahara/Morocco is sketchy but not impossible.
Your best bet is to ask at the truck stops and maybe accompany a caravan of trucks.
Officials say official things in capital cities, but the borders are far away from capital cities, if you know what I mean...

usl 20 Nov 2002 01:52

Thanks for the info

So i think the hard part is Western Sahara ...Mauritania is no big problem... but it seems its not something to be a afraid of ... but not a walk in the park either ... anyway i think i should try that route later ... as i get better ...

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