Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   From UK to Israel (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/from-uk-to-israel-1983)

talbengal 19 May 2004 17:38

From UK to Israel
Just an idea I would like to do!
From UK to Israel with My BMw 1150 GS Adv.

Looking for advice where to start (planing).


harvey 19 May 2004 18:36

Hi Tal,

Your first step is to look at the Trip Planning section on here http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tripplan/ . There's a wealth of information available to help you plan your trip - all from people who've done it for real.

Your next step is to book yourself in for the UK HU Travellers' Meeting 9-11 July. There you'll get to meet a load of people who've done trips and you'll be able to pick their brains and get ideas. Here's the link http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/meetings/ .


no pipe, no slippers

[This message has been edited by harvey (edited 19 May 2004).]

[This message has been edited by harvey (edited 19 May 2004).]

charliescaper 26 May 2004 18:41

Much of the planning required is going to depend on what route you intend to take, which will affect whether or not you need a carnet, where your insurance is/isn't valid etc.

Although I didn't go to Israel on my trip from the UK, (I went to the middle East via Lebanon.
There are basically three routes to take

1. down to Italy, ferry to Piraeus in Greece, then ferry to Israel via Cyprus
2. Through Europe and into Turkey, Syria, then Israel
3. my route, Italy then the Balkans (the Croatian Adriatic coastline is stunning), Monte Negro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and then ferry to Israel. Albania is probably the scariest place I have ever been, although I didn't have any trouble as such. Sort of place I was very glad to have been... after I had left! That said, having survived Albania I was confident about surviving any other country

The first trip is by far the easiest in terms of planning, paperwork and insurance. The other two are far more involved and require carnets etc (not sure what the situation is with Israel).

Hope that helps

talbengal 26 May 2004 19:01

Thanks, that grat!

I think I would like to do your route: Italy then the Balkans (the Croatian Adriatic coastline is stunning), Monte Negro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and then ferry to Israel.

Do you have the maps or any other thing to help me? I am willing to pay for it.
I would like to talk with you about this route, can you please e-mail me at tal@ben-gal.net.


Oldgit 2 Jun 2004 20:42


You said that Albania was the scariest place you've been, but you don't say why.

Please explain, I've thought of going through Albania.

AliBaba 2 Jun 2004 23:02

Has the ferry-service started again?
Otherwise it's a nightmare to get back to Europe...

charliescaper 9 Jun 2004 19:49

Albania was the scariest place I have been to because it is pretty much lawless, verging on the anarchic.

Unlike in other places where there is poverty, the Albanians seemed to resent their poverty far more than in say Africa where people are pretty philosophical about the trials and tribulations of life. As such, the demenour of many Albanians, especially when going through some of the villages seems pretty threatening.

The border both going in and out was a major hassle, and Tirana was a nightmare to drive in - no traffic lights basically, everybody driving on whichever side they felt like, massive potholes (which were obscured by the torrential rain I experienced when there).

That said, hotel staff etc were very friendly and the mountains were stunning. I also had one of the funniest experiences of my trip with one of the countless police/militia check points; the guards started walking around my bike and asking (quite aggressively if I was German), when I told them I was English they broke out into huge smiles and started patting me on the back and say England 5 Germany 1 (referring to a soccer match a few weeks earlier). Felt glad I wasn't German!

It's one of those places that I am very glad to have been, but didn't hugely enjoy the experience at the time.


ohjajoh123 9 Jun 2004 21:12

just been in albania with a LR 110. Onely met very friendly people and the country wasn't scary at all! Ferries to and fro Italy are very dirty and smelly !
I would certainly recomment going there!

libby 18 May 2009 15:00

Hi tal i am also trying to get some info on riding my bmw 1150gs frpm the uk to Israel i'll let you know if i get any info maybe you could do the same

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