Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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hugh.marriott 19 Jan 2010 08:29

Garmin Zumo maps
Hi everybody. I'm planning a trip across Europe to Jordan this year, and have a Zumo 660 with European maps. But they don't really cover Syria and Jordan. Anyone know how I can add maps of these two countries? PS, I'm on a Honda Deauville in case you're interested.

beddhist 20 Jan 2010 07:46

Choose your map tiles here: Worldwide routable Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap

Keith1954 20 Jan 2010 08:47

Interesting info detailed over on this thread, which includes OpenStreetMap.org in a research comparison. Good work done by apapadop .. :thumbup1:


hugh.marriott 22 Jan 2010 08:49

Brilliant. I hadn't heard of OpenStreetMap. Just checked their Middle East maps, and they'll do. Now I've just got to work out how to put them on my Zumo. Meantime, thanks for steering me in the right direction.

loubutler 23 Jan 2010 16:18

I'm also heading out across europe to syria/jordan (continuing onwards to Cape town) !! Thanks for the info, i have garmin 550, so will check it out! Also been told about smelly biker website as well

When will you be heading out and which route across europe, i'm planning on switzerland/austria thru the tyrols :scooter:

LouButler (f650gs twin)

'normal is a failure of potential'

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