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Fabio 27 Nov 2008 14:01

Poland and Czech republics travel information requests
Hi guys,

two friend of mine and myself are planning to go next June from Milan (Italy) to Germany-Poland-Czech and Slovenska republics with the intent to avoid main roads and hopefully to find dirty roads tracks, good place to spend our nights in a tent etc.
We have two Transalps and one Africa Twin.
The available time is not so much just 7-8 days. However we plan to reach quickly Germany on highways and then start the real tour through secondary roads in Czech and Slovenska Rep and Poland.
Come to questions!
Do you have any suggestion on which tracks we can follow to enjoy not crawded secondary road (with possible dirty roads) sections?
Is it possible to enter in national parks (i.e. Krkonosé NP) with motorbikes and camp there?
Is it safe?
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated

buebo 27 Nov 2008 16:18

Beeing german myself i'd suggest don't try to go offroad in germany. Generally speaking there are no legal tracks and you will likely pay fines and be fscked with to no end.

Better use the german autobahn for what it was designed for: Get the hell out of Germany and spend more time further east.

Fabio 28 Nov 2008 09:30

Thank you Buebo, we heading through Germany only on highways just to reach the Czech border. Reading some magazines and looking into internet sites, it seems after Germany border there are many opportunities to cross Czech, Slovenska, Poland countries running on allowed secondary roads that are sometimes off road sections.
The path we identified is about this:
Klingenthal, Kraslice, Krasna Lipa, Nejdek, Nové Hamry, Horní Blatná, Ryzovna, Tellerhäuser, Bozí Dar, Medenec, Liberec, Bedrichov, Horni Maxov, Strázné, Dolní Malá Upa (Krkonosé Natioanal Park)
The question is whether someone had experiences in this areas (Czech, Slovenska, Poland) about dirty roads allowed tracks and can give us some suggestion to heading through (i.e. from where to where, safety, security, place to visit, place to camp, B&B etc.)

PedroCZ 11 Dec 2008 11:05

Hi, in Czech is big problem with offroad. And go to n. parks isn´t good idea. If catch you police, it will be very expensive. One chance is military area near Milovice. I think last troublefree offroad in Europe is in Albania and Romania.

Alex Smith 20 Dec 2008 19:22


Originally Posted by PedroCZ (Post 218634)
Hi, in Czech is big problem with offroad. And go to n. parks isn´t good idea. If catch you police, it will be very expensive. One chance is military area near Milovice. I think last troublefree offroad in Europe is in Albania and Romania.

Does the above include tracks marked on the map that haven't got a no-access/entry sign on them? I appreciate that N.Parks are out of bounds, they are well sign posted with no-entry signs at either end of the track.

I'd be very interested to know as I am planing a trip through this part of Eastern Europe as well and under stood off-road/track access as being ok as long as there is no no-entry sign posted.



Tomek 1 Jan 2009 15:34

Riding in Poland
Hey Fabio,

"Do you have any suggestion on which tracks we can follow to enjoy not crawded secondary road (with possible dirty roads) sections?"

An idea for secondary road (along the Sudetes and the Carpathians ranges): Zgorzelec> Karpacz> Szklarska Poreba > Nowa Ruda> Kudowa Zdroj> Zloty Stok> Prudnik> Opole> Jastrzebie Zdroj> Cieszyn> Wisla> Szczyrk> Bielsko Biala >Wadowice> Zywiec> Sucha Beskidzka> Makow Podhalanski> Zakopane> Szczawnica> Krynica Zdroj> Dukla> Ustrzyki Gorne> Ustrzyki Dolne And you can ride into Ukraine with some superb dirty roads in the Carpathians.:funmeteryes:

"Is it possible to enter in national parks (i.e. Krkonosé NP) with motorbikes and camp there?"
It is forbidden to enter any forest on a motorbike (it drives me mad because I feel like a game everytime I do it). If I were you I would not enter any NP on a motorbike because it is strictly prohibited and even Polish people don't do that :innocent:

Is it safe?
If you want to camp (outside NP)- no problem. Just remember about the Golden Rule: choose a place where people can not see you and you will be ok.


Tomek 1 Jan 2009 15:38


Originally Posted by Alex Smith (Post 219632)
Does the above include tracks marked on the map that haven't got a no-access/entry sign on them? I appreciate that N.Parks are out of bounds, they are well sign posted with no-entry signs at either end of the track.

I'd be very interested to know as I am planing a trip through this part of Eastern Europe as well and under stood off-road/track access as being ok as long as there is no no-entry sign posted.



Hi Alex,

as long as you keep off NP and forests and there are no no-entry signs you can ride everywhere.


Alex Smith 2 Jan 2009 19:22

Hi Tomek,

Thanks very much for the confirmation, it is much appreciated.



Fabio 19 Jan 2009 13:03

Great Tomek, thank you very much. Suggestion and path you listed are very helpful.

Vaufi 19 Jan 2009 15:18

For some really nice enduro riding visit the southern Balcan countries like Albania, Macedonia, partly Montenegro. Or turn eastwards to Romania and Bulgaria. In the south-eastern corner of Macedonia (east of Bitola) you'll find superb enduro country :mchappy:

Forget Germany when thinking of off-road riding :thumbdown:

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