Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Goa to Germany (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/goa-to-germany-2217)

dinyadegoa 11 Nov 2005 15:12

Goa to Germany
hi,i will be travelling on brand new Royal Enfield from Goa,India to Germany during may-june2006.I intend to sell my bike and return by air from berlin.Please let me know the legal procedure/hurdles to sell my bike and also way out to get best price for the bike.

Vaufi 11 Nov 2005 16:47

Yeah, that's always a hassle but nonetheless possible.
I just phoned the Bavarian customs authorities in Munich. It is no problem to enter Germany or any country belonging to the European Community (EU) with a foreign registration number plate. If you want to sell it in Germany you visit the customs authorities and eg. for a 600 cc bike you have to pay 6% tax and 16% customs duty on the current value. The current value is determined on the basis of a generally agreed price list called "Schwacke Liste" which is updated regularly on the basis of used vehicles sold in Germany.

This done, the bike cannot be used immediately in traffic, but has to undergo a technical check at the "TUEV" to make sure that the vehicle is roadworthy according to German standards, eg. if the front light lens is for lefthand or righthand traffic.

You can sell the bike via any newspaper-ad or via internet www.mobile.de

Hope this helps.

Simon Kennedy 11 Nov 2005 17:01

My impression is that Enfields need a lot of modification to get them up to EU standards. I could be wrong on this, so I suggest you do some research. There are plenty of Enfield enthusiast clubs with web sites that could help you.


Matt Cartney 11 Nov 2005 17:10

They do indeed need quite a bit of adaptation to get them up to EU standard. However, I believe it is possible to buy export model bikes in India, which should be up to code. This may be a better option than an Indian market bike anyway as you plan to ride it a long way and the export model bikes are, so I believe, better put together. And anything that improves the er, 'short service interval' of the Enfield is a good thing! One option might be to buy the new model with the leanburn engine that has been introduced in Europe. I'm not sure if they are available in India or not (there is some inconsistencies in model availability between India and Europe)but they run cleaner and are more powerful than the standard Bullet, but obviously more expensive too. However, a lean burn Bullet should have no difficulties passing EU tests.
Hope this helps.

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