Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Guatemala -> San Jose, CR (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/guatemala-san-jose-cr-29127)

JimAiken 2 Sep 2007 23:53

Guatemala -> San Jose, CR
Would appreciate advice on a quick route between Guatemala City and San Jose, Costa Rica. I'll be visiting my daughter, who will be on a medical mission, in Guatemala in late October, then traveling to San Jose.

Any thoughts on how much time I should allot for the trip?

Many thanks,


Sjoerd Bakker 5 Sep 2007 18:16

GT to SJ
With late October your worries about hurricane season's rains should be winding down so your route selection is open to lots of choice.
A quick route would be to go from GT City down hill north toward Puerto Barrios but turn off to Chiquimula and then into Honduras at Florida Copan , then across to Tegucigalpa ( either via Puerto Cortes and S.Pedro Sula or the short cut paved through Santa Barbara to the highway to Tegucigalpa.. From Tegus go east to Danli then into Nicaragua and down through Granada and the run to the Costa Rican border and from there just rip along foloowing the main highway to San Jose.
All pavement , scenic . Time for the ride if you are in a real rush can be as little as 3 days --- no more than ONE border crossing per day to keep your sense of humour. But take your time, stop to enjoy the sights like Copan, the pine forested highlands , experience the countries etc etc. Could take a week or two to do it if you play it right.

JimAiken 6 Sep 2007 01:07

Thanks for your very helpful reply. I'll do my best to take it slow and enjoy a beautiful part of the world.


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