Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   HELP!!!!!~MAURITANIA (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/help-mauritania-1692)

Helga 21 Feb 2002 20:23

I am in need of major help. I am taking a personal journey to Mauritania and I can't find any information!!! I am interested in looking at archaelogical sites and ruins etc. If you have any ideas or places to go PLEASE RESPOND!!! Thank you
I need of Major Help!!

Grant Johnson 22 Feb 2002 11:08

Sorry I don't have anything on that, but try going to http://www.google.com and searching on "Mauritania archaeological site" and you'll get a million hits.

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

Bloody 26 Feb 2002 21:32


ask them for inforamtions:



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