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help me planning the Africa-Asia-Euro part of my RTW!
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Hi Im from Chile and next year my girlfriend and I will do a RTW 2 up.
We will start from Santiago and will go west to Brazil to ship the bike. We will stay a few days in Brazil and then take a plane to Spain, there we will wait for the bike. And there is where the problems begins, because I thought to go south, to get into Morocco, visit the beautifull places and go to Argelia (red and green line on the map)... and now I know that we can't do that. Some people say that I have to return Spain and take a ferry to Argelia, but we have a very low budget so we can't think on taking boats everywhere, we prefer spend time and money on the road. There are a "non to dificult" and safer way to get into Argelia? (like the orange line in the map that I attach). Maybe we can to not pass through Morocco and go from Spain to Italy and take a ferry to Tunissia, but we really like to go to Morocco. then we will drive by the mediterranean coast to Egypt and then ferry crossing to Jordan, to get into Saudi Arab, and in some point cross to Iran... and that is the second problem, I don't know how and where. In the next map, the blue line is traveling by air, the red line by land, the orange line is the solution I think is a good way to go to Argelia, but I don't know if is possible. the yellow line is by boat. any ideas and suggestions are very welcome, and forget me for my terrible english, I speak Spanish and try english... Tarzan kind. thanks! |
sorry, the image was to small.
click on this one http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/9...siaeuro.th.jpg |
You are not the first and not the last to be frustrated by the Algeria/Morocco border, but no one has figured out an obvious way around it yet. Your route through Mauritania is fine, but northern Mali is considered difficult at best, and the other option through Niger is only slightly better at the moment. Maybe you already know this....but if not, I suggest that you've got some research to do before getting to North Africa. Lots of information about all of this in Hubb forums.
My tickets (with bike) to and from Morocco cost about 30 euros each way. You can go to Morocco, back to Spain, then ferry to Algeria and will have only spent an extra 60 euros on ferries if you can find similar fares. Then you can continue across Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. But if you're on a budget I doubt you'll really like the costs associated with guides, carnets and visas on this part of your journey. An extra ferry or two won't make much difference in the end. Similar issues come up a lot along your route through Asia, too. Visa rules change a lot and some are expensive; borders open and close and banditry makes some places awkward. The obvious example concerns what you'll do if you can't enter China? I hope you've looked into this and all the similar issues, and that you and your partner are on the same page. Hope this helps. Safe journeys! Mark PS: your English is excellent! I hope my Spanish is as good someday. |
the visa issue: we will try to get all the visas needed by advance here in Chile, luckelly we live in a "peacefull" country so we can have visas maybe easily, and most of the countries have embassies here. for the carnet: I will pay for a CDP if they refund me all the money at the final, we will have the money at the start, we pay, and when we arrive to Europe maybe I can obtain the refund and with that money we can continue our journey. the China Issue: I don't know, I feel lucky, maybe they let us pass:D maybe Edde's route is the solution: Edde's Route In Reality and he do it on a BMW r75, and we on a klr650 I feel like a beauty queen... I really wish the wolrd peace |
Not trying to find fault---just pecking away at the keyboard because it's too hot right now to do anything constructive with my life. I did read a report recently by someone who got into China independently on a bike and had a blast riding around. I don't remember where it was, but probably here or on ADV Rider. enjoy, Mark |
China might turn out to be impossible, and I don't think you'll get a visa. It's rather difficult to get in, especially with your own bike. Just in case you should have a backup plan.
we are planning a backup plan for the China part.
and it seems that the only possible way to go throught northern africa is spain-morocco-spain-algeria-lybia do you know if algeria and lybia still have the "you only can pass with a scort" rule? |
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