Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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rider545 12 Apr 2012 01:54

Help: Ride Across Africa
Friend and I are planning a ride across Africa, March 2013, following Dr Livingstone's walk 200 years ago, Next year is the celebration of his 200 year walk. We want to be in Livingstone on March 19th, 2013, 200 years to the day for the celebration. We would like start the ride in Luanda, Angola and finish in Quelimane, Mozambique, passing thru Livingstone. So the questions are: Where to rent bikes and or how to ship them there? Any suggestions on bikes? I ride a r1200gs, thinking a older BMW 650gs. Any one familar with this trek? What concerns or risk are there passing thru Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe & Mizambique? Packing list? Health risk? I am new to the site, so thanks in advance for all the help.

pecha72 12 Apr 2012 16:13

Your selection of bikes for rent (or purchase) should be far better in South Africa, or possibly you could find something in Namibia as well.

Crossing borders on a bike rented fro Johannesburg worked for me (with an authorisation letter), but this was in 2002, I dont know if it still would. But I did all countries south side of Angola,DRC,Tanzania... Fabulous rides. Main roads should be ok, though maybe not in Angola or northern Mozambique.

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