Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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alfred 31 Mar 2008 02:24

Will start my overland tour the 31'August 2008
Will travel from Holland to Australia
Heard of a problem to get the xt600 into Indonesia
Is that so?
Please comments!

alfred 31 Mar 2008 02:44

Will leave the 31'August 2008 for an Overland trip from Holland to Australia.
Can I get my xt600 into and through Indonesia?

SeniGreg 31 Mar 2008 03:20


Originally Posted by alfred (Post 182391)
Will leave the 31'August 2008 for an Overland trip from Holland to Australia.
Can I get my xt600 into and through Indonesia?

YES. If you want to sea freight your bike two possible routes are

Penang in Malaysia to Medan in Sumatra and then ride through to Surabaya in Java.

Singapore to Jakarta then ride through to Surabaya in Java

I have ridden these areas and you'll want to avoid the monsoon weather over November - March

Another option is discussed here: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tri...siatoindonesia
If you want to airfrieght then you could fly into Jakarta and out of Denpassar.

pecha72 31 Mar 2008 04:39

DO avoid going from Melaka to Dumai!! Heard lots & lots of problems from people who have done that.

We went Penang-Belawan (=port of Medan), and it works fine. Contact Cakra Shipping in Penang (check shipping pages for details).

You can ship onwards to Oz from Surabaya or East Timor by sea, dont know how the situation is in East Timor right now, though.

Or you can airlift from Bali to Melbourne (or any big Australian city, but its most likely routed via Melbourne)..... only thing is, thats horribly expensive! We paid nearly 2000 USD to get the thing flown to Perth. Had no time to wait about a month for a boat to arrive.

Indonesia was nice, you'll enjoy it... just try to time your visit outside the rainy season!!

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