Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Initial route (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/initial-route-79704)

Ben_88 21 Dec 2014 23:03

Initial route
Hi everyone,

Sorry If this seems a daft question I'm new to this sort of trip planning.

I am trying to plan my route from UK to UB (Mongolia) via Kaz' I would like to know how does every one plan there routes? :helpsmilie:

I am currently just using google maps directions bit, and scrolling through various posts on here trying to find stuff out along with a bit of googling to try and find out what routes are actually viable!

Sorry if this is a obvious thing but I'm struggling with searching out how others do it more accurately than just drawing a line on a world map on the wall. Thanks folks

James Rothwell 23 Dec 2014 06:21


I'm also planning something similar.
I'm using Googlemaps for the map of the route.

I used WikiTravel/Wikipedia/Virtual Tourist websites to find places of interest in the countries I wanted to visit and then adapted my route accordingly.

I used Trip Advisor to find hotels/B&Bs in the towns that I wanted to stay in and for the places I thought would be nice to camp I just googled as much as possible to find others that had camped in that area to make sure it was safe.

Also use Wikipedia to check the climate and what the likely weather will be like along your route to make sure there is no nasty surprises, or wet/cold weather along your route.

Send me a PM if you like and we can discuss.

duibhceK 23 Dec 2014 12:26

My toolkit for route planning: Wikipedia/Wikitravel in combination with motoplaner.de or SAS.Planet for routing.

Ben_88 23 Dec 2014 20:23


Originally Posted by James Rothwell (Post 489648)

I'm also planning something similar.
I'm using Googlemaps for the map of the route.

I used WikiTravel/Wikipedia/Virtual Tourist websites to find places of interest in the countries I wanted to visit and then adapted my route accordingly.

I used Trip Advisor to find hotels/B&Bs in the towns that I wanted to stay in and for the places I thought would be nice to camp I just googled as much as possible to find others that had camped in that area to make sure it was safe.

Also use Wikipedia to check the climate and what the likely weather will be like along your route to make sure there is no nasty surprises, or wet/cold weather along your route.

Send me a PM if you like and we can discuss.

Google maps I currently my best friend :p I was very pleased last night when I realised I could save the route as PDF! I now have my preliminary route planned for Mongolia! (working backwards as I plan to cross China so fixed exit point)

As for accomadation....I love my tent.....at the minute :p once in to Laos there is very little plan other than apply for Aus Visa and a Carnet once bored of Thia/Laos/Cambodia or weather gets grotty!

My plan is to leave uk in March then basically follow the spring/summer to Aus! Sounds really disorganised....is a bit but 3 months to plan it all get Visas etc. oh yeah and my passport got sent off for its renewal yesterday! hopefully not too ambitious! :eek3:


Originally Posted by duibhceK (Post 489679)
My toolkit for route planning: Wikipedia/Wikitravel in combination with motoplaner.de or SAS.Planet for routing.

Thank you! I have just had a quick play with the motoplanner, am I right in thinking that I can plot a route on here the simply export it as a file type that will work in say a Garmin zumo 660? It took me a few mins to work out that if you hover over stuff it comes up in English :blushing:

duibhceK 23 Dec 2014 20:34


Originally Posted by Ben_88 (Post 489716)
Thank you! I have just had a quick play with the motoplanner, am I right in thinking that I can plot a route on here the simply export it as a file type that will work in say a Garmin zumo 660? It took me a few mins to work out that if you hover over stuff it comes up in English :blushing:

Yes, choose garmin GPX from the drop down and set to the maximum intermediate points (500).
You can also save the route online by just clicking "weitergeben" after finisihing the route and then bookmarking. Don't forget to click "weitergeben" again though if you are bookmarking an updated version of a previous route.

It is a great tool. My only complaint about it is that you cannot choose the routing engine used, so it will not route on some roads that are not available in the map it uses for routing, even though that road is visible in the map you are currently looking at.

Ben_88 23 Dec 2014 21:19


Originally Posted by duibhceK (Post 489717)
Yes, choose garmin GPX from the drop down and set to the maximum intermediate points (500).
You can also save the route online by just clicking "weitergeben" after finisihing the route and then bookmarking. Don't forget to click "weitergeben" again though if you are bookmarking an updated version of a previous route.

It is a great tool. My only complaint about it is that you cannot choose the routing engine used, so it will not route on some roads that are not available in the map it uses for routing, even though that road is visible in the map you are currently looking at.

Brill thanks this is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! I have yet to buy a new GPS receiver but it is will be loads easier having something like this! The only GPS receiver I have used is my trusty old Garmin eTrex and I don't have the lead to plug it to a comp so its always paper map the inputting individual grid references! after a couple of goes though it ended up in the rucksack as a back up in-case I got totally lost and could triangulate my position off land marks!

Ben_88 24 Dec 2014 00:21

Well I thought I would post this up it is my rough initial route this will more than likely change over time!
MotoPlaner - Motorrad Touren Planung leicht gemacht

The navigation tool say 15,000 Km which adverage 400Km (250miles) per day it would be under 40 days ridding I will hopefully have aprox 5 months to do it in so hopefully I will be ok! Any opinions or coments on the route are welcome.

James Rothwell 24 Dec 2014 04:38

I had to renew my passport recently and it took 8 weeks, although I think being out of the country may have delayed things. Just chase them up after 3 weeks and they can tell you the status if you haven't had it back yet.

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