Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Iran in May/June, 2015 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/iran-in-may-june-2015-a-80176)

Keller 18 Jan 2015 03:33

Iran in May/June, 2015
Hi Folks!

I'm planning a solo trip to Turkey, Iran and around the Black Sea. Been doing my research and know (as an American) I need a guide and an itinerary in order to get an Iranian visa. I'm trying to locate a guide with a motorcycle to meet me on the Turkey/Iran border at Bazargan and then continue on in Iran winding back where we started. Has anyone located a reputable, official Iranian guide with a motorcycle? If so, what was your experience?

Also, I hear that the Canadian Automobile Association is going to stop issuing carnets. I've used them a couple of times (it gives U.S. Customs fits which I quite like!) so I know the ropes. Anyone have late info on the CAA/carnet status?



Tiger3 23 Jan 2015 23:11

hi keller,
We leave for Iran in May / June 2015 we are four French, two of us remain in iran.
You can conctact me by Mp you can ask any Hossein (Iranian) if he know a guide


coupleriders.net 7 Feb 2015 14:06

hi Keller
we are almost 5 bikes will have trip to Iran from 30th of may to 15th of june. our route is starting from Istanbul to Erzurum and Gurbulak (Iran boarder). urmia-ahwaz-shiraz-esfahan-tehran -erdebil is our route then pass to Baku (azerbaijan) stay here for 2-3 days , return to Iran Tebriz and Turkey.
we are planning to load our bikes to trucks trasfer them to Erzurum. we may go by bus or fly.
if u want to join us or contact with us info@angelshomehotel.com or coupleriders@windowslive.com
Hakan Duyar

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