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Iran to Pakistan to India (via Baluchistan)
I am part of an expedition to drive a London black cab from London to Sydney to break the World Record for the longest ever taxi journey. We want to drive the Iran Pakistan India route but obviously have reservations about security. Has anyone done this route recently? By all account things have got worse in the Baluchistan area in the past year, especially in the springtime (when we will be there...) as the extremists are pushed past the Afgani border by nato's spring offensives. Any advice or contacts would be very much appreciated. We're in Belarus at the moment, you can follow our progress through out facebook page and blog here It's on the Meter - Home Cheers Paul It's on the Meter |
But it was, and still appears to be a commonly used overland-route between Europe and India. And very few travellers actually seem to report any security-related troubles, unless you count the slow-moving escorts, or hotel owners sometimes refusing to accommodate foreigners (they´re not hostile, but think that you´d be their responsibility, if you stay with them). But it is a remote region, Afghan border is quite close, and also that part of Iran is a bit dodgy (escorts likely there, too, after Bam to the Pakistani border). Cannot guarantee anyone´s safety of course, and that´ll depend also on yourself..... but personally I don´t think I´d have a problem going through there again. I would, however, follow the situation especially in Pakistan closely. But Pakistan and Iran, to me, were both truly fantastic experiences. |
Has anyone crossed this route recently? How is the situation?
Some tips and information.
IRAN. 1-Stay in maku (very close to the Turkish border)Elvand Otel.Give the owner Mr.Emir selam from us.(İstanbul Bisiklet Motosiklet members and riders always stay there, safe place.) 2-Avoid tebriz and tehran city centers.(crazy traffic, no rules) 3-Get some post cards of singers,İbrahim Tatlıses,Seda Sayan,(Turkish) and Cat Stevens (known as Yusuf İslam there,say he is your friend,)some small colorful stickers for people. 4-Dont take photos of the protesting groups and dont let them get their photos taken in front of your much interesting car. 5-After friday midday prays, keep away from mosques and main squares. 6-No protesting public groups after Kerman.But you will be bored by much interest to your car. Give the people some colorful stickers. 7-Obey the escorts even they are very slow both in south iran and pakistan. (Every 5-10 km you will report to the check points) 8-Gasoline 700 tumen for foreigners now which was 100 in February.By carnet 400 tumen but we dont recommend you black markets. 9-For the first night in Pakistan, escorts will get you to Al Dawood Pension in Dalbandin.(Full of insects and no clean food.So keep some dry food stocks in İran side and clean your bed before sleep).You will always be offered to drink tea thats with milk. 10-You will be bored by much interest and also slow escorts.(Every 5-10 km.check points)Do as we do, get the train to Karachi from Quetta. If we can meet in İstanbul,you can check your car free in our club garage,and must buy some spare parts according to Mr.Adil's advices. (our club president Adil Ertaş is a perfect motor repair expert) Wish you all the best. mehmet zeki avar |
Thanks for that. What is your opinion on crossing the Iran-Pakistan border at the moment? All the info we can find seems to be at least a few years old.
Do you have an up to date price for diesel? |
Thats the current price in İran as 23.apr.2011...
8-Gasoline 700 tumen for foreigners now which was 100 in February.By carnet 400 tumen but we dont recommend you black markets. No problem in Iran Pakistan bordergate...Just so many escorts and checkpoints where escorts are changed too.(each 10 km) just keep away from Tehran and tebriz city centers. Driving at nights are not recommended and prohibited in no mans lands,thats between Bam (IR) Quetta (PAK). Turkish Transasia team riders in Lahore now.You can get in touch with Mr.Burak. Trans Asia - Burak Galip Akkurt - Ismail Gumus Trans Asia | Facebook Best Wishes M.zeki Avar |
Thanks, we're now in touch with them :)
They entered Pakistan 40 days ago,in Lahore now after KKH.adventures and
then will ride to Shanghai destination.Burak and İsmail will be glad to answer all your questions.Both friendly guys. Many information also available in their facebook page. Best Wishes m.zeki avar |
No problem at İran and Pakistan sides as expected by foreign press.This will be the most exciting, friendly part of your travel.Personally ı have never met this hospitality even in my home country.If ı have a time now to travel abroad again, my route will certainly be to Pakistan.
You will feel yourself very important and famous person there.Iran and Pakistan are full of unforgettable and wonderful memories you should not miss.Still unexplored lands. German transasia team is in İstanbul at the moment on the way back to Germany.Turkish transasia team still in Pakistan. So current information always available by them.Also while you are on the way, you will meet many foreign riders to exchange advices and experiences.Turkish and German transasia teams met each other in the desert. Here are the photos of their meeting moments. Trans Asia - Burak Galip Akkurt - Ismail Gumus - 007- Iki Trans Asia Ekibinin karsilasmasi We highly recommend; go and explore. Best Wishes m.zeki avar |
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