Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   July 2013 Europe Trip (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/july-2013-europe-trip-70982)

Purity14 24 Jun 2013 17:05

July 2013 Europe Trip
Hey Guys,
Setting off for a little trip at the end of next month from the UK..

I'm riding a CBR600, high up bars and geared +1 front, Ive got a -2 front to swap to when i hit the transfargen for super-fun times, i'm on brand new pr3's which should last the trip :)

Ill be camping/hosteling/Hotels depending on location and weather.

Check out my route below - let me know what you guys think and i'm happy to hear any advice.

Ps: I'm happy to be in the saddle for long lengths of time, and can pull 900 mile 18 hour days if I really want to get home :p

Day 1: Home > Calais

Day 2: Saturday - 299 miles - 4:35
Calais, France to A33 - Google Maps

Day 3: Sunday - 295 miles - 4:28
A33 to Würmtalstraße/St2343 - Google Maps

Day 4: Monday - 193 miles - 4:51
Munich, Germany to Waisach/Weißensee Str./B87 - Google Maps

Day 5: Tuesday - 221 miles - 5:54
B111 to D216 - Google Maps

Day 6: Wed - 227 miles - 5:24
D216 to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Google Maps

Day 7: Thursday - 169 miles - 5:02
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina to Kneza Miloša/Кнеза Милоша/E-70 - Google Maps

Day 8: Friday - 197 miles - 4:48
Bulevar Franše d'Eperea/Булевар Франше д’Епереа to DN67D - Google Maps

Day 9: Saturday - 242 miles - 8:46 (two days)
DN67D to DJ105D - Google Maps

Day 11: Monday - 180 miles - 4:30
Agnita, Romania to DN1F - Google Maps

Day 12: Tuesday - 219 miles - 5:34
DN1F to Horný Smokovec/Route 537 - Google Maps

Day 13: Wed - 206 miles - 3:01
Kotlarska to D1/E462 - Google Maps

Day 14: Thursday- 186 miles - 2:34
D5/E50 to Na Mýt/Route 23 - Google Maps

Day 15: Friday - 263 miles - 3:33
D5/E50 to A3 - Google Maps

Day 16: Saturday- 289 miles - 4:01
A4 to Hanauer Straße/B8 - Google Maps

Day 17: Sunday - 173 miles - 2.29
A4 to Calais, France - Google Maps

Day 18: Monday
Calais > Home

g6snl 24 Jun 2013 18:21


Originally Posted by Purity14 (Post 427220)

Check out my route below - let me know what you guys think and i'm happy to hear any advice.

Ps: I'm happy to be in the saddle for long lengths of time, and can pull 900 mile 18 hour days if I really want to get home :p

Advice ? Allow more time than you think. Be sensible with the mileage / hours.

dave08 24 Jun 2013 20:42

as above, some long days there but if that's your thing go for it,
I would try to spend some time in Sarajevo its an amazing place,
the route you have from Belgrade into Romania looks great but take a look at following the Danube down to Drobeta-Turnu Severin,


backofbeyond 25 Jun 2013 09:47

None of your day totals look that difficult but you look to be spending most of your holiday mixing it with the cars in the fast lane. By the time you allow a couple of hours to get going in the morning and a similar time to unpack, settle in etc in the evening there's not going to be much time left to actually do anything.

My advice would be to pick somewhere you like on the route and stop there for a few days - explore the area, check out the restaurants, beaches, whatever you like. Then either cut a few corners on the way back or put in a few longer days on the autobahn.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 13:59.
