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insureguy 2 Apr 2007 00:55

Jumping Queue at Border Crossings
In July I will travel, in order, through Germany, Czech Rep, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and back to Germany. So, here's the question: I've been told at may border crossings I don't need to queue up or wait in line with the cars. Is this true? At which borders can I ride to the front? Once up front, do I need to get back in line..or just park??? How does this work?? Thanks, Jon

Stephano 2 Apr 2007 09:00


Originally Posted by insureguy (Post 131718)
At which borders can I ride to the front? Once up front, do I need to get back in line..or just park??? How does this work?? Thanks, Jon

It might go against your sense of ‘fair play’ but take it as a perk of riding a bike, Jon. It’s a bit like women being allowed to walk up to the front of queues in shops and offices where I live (the UAE).

You might possibly arrive at a border with traffic queues which are (several) miles long. For example, there is currently a dispute between Lithuania and Latvia which the European Commission has been asked to mediate. Traffic there is taking hours to get through. You’re not going to join the end of that, are you?

I also remember a queue of more than 10 miles to get into the Czech Republic from Germany in the early 90’s when the border had recently opened. Fortunately, I was going the other way and I’m sure it’s a lot better now.

Take each border as it comes (I wouldn’t queue jump if there were only a few cars in front of me). Try to get into the right spot (most probably by parking first) without upsetting those who have waited so long to reach the front. Moderate speed is helpful in this respect. However, most people are very understanding and would do the same in your position.

If it is a problem, you’ll be told by the authorities and you won’t have lost anything much for trying. A bike usually makes an interesting change for them anyway.


Robbert 2 Apr 2007 12:01

Business visa in russia...
Getting out of Kaliningrad once was a pain. Apparently with a business visum you got a priority treatement, 50 € bribe would do the same. Even then it took us 7 hours to get trough... .

PaulM 2 Apr 2007 12:11

Border queues
As you've been advised - take each one as it comes. We were waved to the front of the queue at the Latvain border by the customs officers.
We always found taking your helmet off and smiling did the trick.
Have a good trip.

insureguy 2 Apr 2007 23:15

OK, so it sounds like you have to evaluate each one as you get there. Of course, if there's only a few cars it would be right to jump ahead. If I do see a legnthy wait and move up front then even if told that I shouldn't have done so by authorities, nothing will have been lost? Or can I find myself in a worse situation? And just to be clear, when I get up front, do I need to get back in the line or just park? Thanks again to those giving me help! Jon

Mike 3 Apr 2007 18:51

I had the same experience as Robbert at the Kaliningrad-Poland border -- but the key to getting through quickly wasn't a business visa, it was simply having a non-Roosian or polish numberplate.

Less than two hours rather than (I was told) up to three DAYS for the locals. People cheered me forward (whereas I'd have been hideously jealous in their position..) and enjoyed seeing someone beat the system. I found their attitude intensely humbling.

Long blog entry at


Stephano 3 Apr 2007 19:39


Originally Posted by insureguy
OK, so it sounds like you have to evaluate each one as you get there.



Originally Posted by insureguy
Of course, if there's only a few cars it would be right to jump ahead.

No, I wouldn't.


Originally Posted by insureguy
If I do see a legnthy wait and move up front then even if told that I shouldn't have done so by authorities, nothing will have been lost?

Right, unless they imprison you. :innocent:


Originally Posted by insureguy
And just to be clear, when I get up front, do I need to get back in the line or just park?

It varies from place to place (often depending on the amount of paperwork required). Play it by ear.

Lars 3 Apr 2007 20:15

Do it! It's fun :)


(Thanks Stephano!)


Stephano 4 Apr 2007 04:51


Originally Posted by Lars (Post 131922)
Do it! It's fun :)

The above photo is Lars queue jumping my car at the UAE / Oman border. Notice the recommended angle of approach and the not recommended evil smirk. :nono:

Donmanolo 4 Apr 2007 12:07

Italy - slovenia - Croatia
I live right on the slovene italian border, the croatian one is not that far away.....so I go around rather frequently between these three countries...On my motorbike the procedure , even in summer when there can be 5 km queues of holiday makers on each border, is just to nonchalantly ride up to about 2 -3 cars behind the border post with my id card in my mouth, get waved through, (I suppose my id card must look kind of unappealing) , ride up to other border post, also get waved through, then finally ride away into whatever country I'm in by then. In about 5 years I've actually had my papers (not the bike papers ) looked at maybe 3 times. I notice that this applies pretty much to all bikes with EU plates....
I know that this isn't exactly on your route, but I hope it can be useful to people.


XT600 Dude 4 Apr 2007 12:17

I regularly (daily) travel through the Spanish/Gibraltar border in both directions.

Both sides appear (if not actively) to encourage moto's to skip the queue completely - sometimes a little difficult with my MetalMule panniers on, but most cars drivers appear to accept it. :)

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