Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   kuwait to uk (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/kuwait-to-uk-50687)

mr.hall 7 Jun 2010 11:27

kuwait to uk
hi I have just started a three month contract in kuwait and would like to buy a small and cheap but reliable bike 90cc - 250cc to travel back to the uk when the contract finishes, has anyone got any info about legalities, paperwork, border crossing and routes to take?

I would like to go through iran, turkey, europe then uk but don't want to go so close to iraq

any info would be great



QatarRider 8 Jun 2010 06:15

I dont feel over qualified to reply, I plan a similar trip from Qatar in May 2011. I'm pretty sure you should be able to get a visa to go through Saudi on the basis that you are/will be Kuwait resident, that's certainly the case here. The visa will be a transit visa, probably 3 days, enough to get you to Jordan.
I've planned a route through Saudi to Aqaba, then Petra, Amman, Damascus, then a big left turn to Beruit, then all round the Med to the Dardenelles, etc.
I suspect that some of the visas and other paperwork will be expensive, especially Syria, but have heard of no show stoppers.
Like I said, I'm still planning, so no first hand experience, but your plan seems very feasible, Rob

mr.hall 8 Jun 2010 13:30

thanks rob I won't be classed as a kuwaiti resident because I am only here for a 3 month contract, been doing a bit more looking on the internet and it looks like iran would be the best rout back, only thing is I think it's a pain to get visa and carnet

heavens angel 11 Jun 2010 08:51

Kuwait riding experience

Hi, I am a British Expat living in Kuwait.

I lived in Riyadh for 4 years and rode my bike every day, then in summer 2001 rode back to the UK in 7 days, via Jordan, Syria, Turkey Greece, Italy France etc.

I have lived in Kuwait for 6 years and ride every day.
Last summer i rode from Kuwait to Beijing in 4 weeks, via Iran and Pakistan.

Yesterday I air freighted my R1200GSA to Seattle for this summers Alaska, Canada and US trip.

Please feel free to call me on 6608 6620 (Kuwaiti mobile number) if you want to meet up and chat about the logistics involved.

Please be warned, it is difficult to travel by road without a trip ticket (Carnet De Passage) despite Kuwaiti assurances that it will be fine in Jordan and Syria etc.
Just ask Dave Stuart, a UK ooil industry expat, who left approx a week ago and got stuck in no-mans land between Jordan and Syria. He has since telephoned me to ask for possible ways of getting his bike back home to Scotland.

Ride safe

Oguz 11 Jun 2010 19:03


Originally Posted by heavens angel (Post 292514)
Just ask Dave Stuart, a UK ooil industry expat, who left approx a week ago and got stuck in no-mans land between Jordan and Syria. He has since telephoned me to ask for possible ways of getting his bike back home to Scotland. Ride safe H A

It is because most of the Syrian Customs officers are confirmed thieves and don't let you go without bribing them. I crossed Jordan - Syrian border 3 weeks ago and almost have had a fist fight with their chief officer. If your friend is still stuck there let me know, may be I can help. Call me at +49-151-27972342

heavens angel 12 Jun 2010 10:51

Hi Oguz,

Thanks for your advice, i shall check up on him again.


mr.hall 12 Jun 2010 20:43

hi that would be great if we could meet up, my only day off work is saterday if thats ok with you? :thumbup1:

heavens angel 15 Jun 2010 06:40

Hi Mr Hall,

I am flying out from Kuwait on Fri.
I am a bit busy these last few days but if we can meet briefly one evening if you wish. Call me on 6608 6620. I teach till about 3pm.


Dubai355 1 Jul 2010 08:40

Hi heavens angel

please update us on your trip and it will be very nice if you have pictures.

why you didnt rent a bike there, i think it will be cheaper than shipping your own bike????

wish you a good and safe ride.

Saleh from Dubai

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