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Badrakumar 26 Apr 2018 00:32

Lancashire to Slovenia
Hi travelers
I am planning a ride with few friends to Slovenia this year. Could you suggest interesting roads? (I am not an off road rider). Also, suggest interesting places in Slovenia and along the way.

francs 26 Apr 2018 09:07

Top 5 - Best Natural and Cultural-Historical Sights | KRAJI - Slovenia

Soča valley (Vršič, Mangart) , Postojna cave...

AnTyx 26 Apr 2018 09:34

Basically look at Google Maps, find swathes of green with twisty white lines through it. Use Street View to make sure it's a sealed road.

Personally I would hug the Belgian border as far down as Luxembourg, head down via the Ballons des Vosges national park (google Route des Cretes), into Switzerland for the Grimsel-Susten-Furkapass triangle. Down to Lugano or, if you don't want to eat the cost of a Swiss vignette, east to Chur and either route 28 via Davos or down into Italy, across the Dolomites - really just stay off the autopista and choose any SS-road that looks nice on a map. From Tolmezzo, take SS13 to SS54, you'll end up pretty much at the south end of the Vrsic Pass. Spend as much time as you want in Triglav National Park.

Ljubljana is skippable, Maribor is lovely.

On the way back, assuming you're starting from around Maribor, the easy and fast way is via Graz to Salzburg - Munich - Stuttgart, but I would detour to around Lienz and do the Grossglockner south-to-north. If you're aiming for a ferry from Holland, then you're well-positioned to stop in at the Nürburgring on your way back; the Rursee in Eifel National Park is also quite nice.

pdv_moto 30 Apr 2018 14:19

What Antyx says..

When riding down to Slovenia, if you have time, use google-maps (terrain) to jump from mountain rang to mountain range.
Ardennes, Voges, Jura, Schwarzwald, all good.

You can even go down via France, check RDGA, and enter Northern-Italy: Dolomites!

Switzerland: very nice riding, but be very careful: speed-fines are Huge. And vignette.
Austria: very nice, but but... Vignette and tolls.
Italy: Dolomites are Great. Cannot go wrong, especially because you might be going West -> East.
Stelvio is a box-tick, but mostly rather busy.
If you are in that area: Also do Take Gavia when going East from Bormio, Gavia is nicer and more quiet.
If you get the chance: take the Timmmeljoch (passo rombo) from Merano into Austria, then turn around at the Mauthaus, twice the fun, and no toll to pay.
Continue through Dolomites towards Tarviso and Slovenia.

Slovenia itself: most, if not all Roads are Good quality.
Just check map and ride through moutainous areas as much as you can.

Kranjsna Gora to Bovec (some of the curves have cobblestones in them, but worth the ride)
Bovec to Nova Gorica, or Bovec to Ijdria. Excellent roads.
I also remember: Ziri, Bled, Skofja loka, all good riding.

If you like Italy: hop over to Udine for an Italian Lunch.
Trieste is also worth a visit: italian/balkan mix.

If going East: Follow northern-Slovenia-Austria border from Kranj, via Bad Vellach and Dravograd to Maribor. Beautiful!

Southern part of Solvenia: not really been off the motorway, but been from Lubljana to Zagreb a few time: the motorway has nice slow curves in it but locals told me the speed-police is vigilant.
The (old) secondary road was in Mint condition when I tried parts of it in 2016 and 2017.

Have Fun!

Badrakumar 2 May 2018 23:40

Thanks for excellent suggestions. Let me sit on google map and plan the roads.
Will post my route to get more suggestions from you guys.

Badrakumar 2 May 2018 23:54

Hi pdv_moto
What is RDGA?

AnTyx 3 May 2018 07:36

Route des Grandes Alpes. Starts just southeast of Geneva and follows the small roads all the way down to the Mediterranean coast roughly around Nice/Monaco. It's on my bucket list, but from what I hear it can get busy with holidaymaker traffic.

MotoMigrant 6 May 2018 01:29

Sjeos! My wife is from Celje, so I've spent a fair bit of time in SLO the last 10 years. Viršič pass from Kranska Gora to Soča is a must, amazing area. Ljubelj pass is another good one, crosses into Austria and then go east and back into SLO and see Logarska Valley. Not sure what you guys want to see? History, nature, old towns? Piran on the coast is a beauty, both caves are super cool, Štanjel is a nice little hilltop town for a coffee/stroll around town. LJ (in our opinion) is a really nice city, it's expensive but the historic center is worth a day/night. If you want nature and cows, try anything in Logarska valley. If you come through Celje this summer, you are welcome to camp in the back yard! We are in Colombia now but the bikes will be shipped over in a few months. Any other questions, best to send us a message on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Moto-Migrants-962338687148867/

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Badrakumar 6 May 2018 15:39

Thanks Moto migrant.
We want to see nature, nice roads and beer.
I did vrsic pass last year. That when realised the beauty of Slovenia. We are not great with camping. Thanks for the offer though.
If we drive around Celje we will say hello to you and family with coffee.

RMB 7 May 2018 22:38

When are you coming? I can give you 12 nice GPX tracks for our best roads.

RMB 8 May 2018 13:48


Originally Posted by AnTyx (Post 582957)
Ljubljana is skippable, Maribor is lovely.

Well, this is funny, to say it politely! Have you ever been to Ljubljana? I guess not.

chris gale 8 May 2018 14:43

Blimey, I loved Ljubljana, full of stunning Middle aged women :innocent: Fantastic country with some stunning roads. Often found the best ones when I just turned off the main drag. Watch out for looney tourists in people carriers up in the mountains and don't try to race locals on aprillis doh

Badrakumar 8 May 2018 22:40

RMB has made me change my mind about Ljubljana. I will add it to my itinerary.

Badrakumar 8 May 2018 22:42


Originally Posted by RMB (Post 583624)
When are you coming? I can give you 12 nice GPX tracks for our best roads.

It will be some time in End of August to early September this year. Please post the tracks. Thanks

vRSG60 2 Nov 2018 11:10

This pretty much hits the nail right on the head.


Originally Posted by AnTyx (Post 582957)
Basically look at Google Maps, find swathes of green with twisty white lines through it. Use Street View to make sure it's a sealed road.

Personally I would hug the Belgian border as far down as Luxembourg, head down via the Ballons des Vosges national park (google Route des Cretes), into Switzerland for the Grimsel-Susten-Furkapass triangle. Down to Lugano or, if you don't want to eat the cost of a Swiss vignette, east to Chur and either route 28 via Davos or down into Italy, across the Dolomites - really just stay off the autopista and choose any SS-road that looks nice on a map. From Tolmezzo, take SS13 to SS54, you'll end up pretty much at the south end of the Vrsic Pass. Spend as much time as you want in Triglav National Park.

Ljubljana is skippable, Maribor is lovely.

On the way back, assuming you're starting from around Maribor, the easy and fast way is via Graz to Salzburg - Munich - Stuttgart, but I would detour to around Lienz and do the Grossglockner south-to-north. If you're aiming for a ferry from Holland, then you're well-positioned to stop in at the Nürburgring on your way back; the Rursee in Eifel National Park is also quite nice.

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