Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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jklotz 26 Oct 2004 06:07

Language School in S. America
Howdy! Anybody have experience with Spanish immersion courses in South America or Mexico? I understand there are supposed to be a bunch in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Can anybody recomend a good one?


BklynDakar 26 Oct 2004 21:08

This has been asked, try searching the HUBB, or even better search the web for spanish schools. There are many sites dedicated just to Spanish instruction. Also, any decent guidebook will list recommended spanish schools.

Brooklyn Dakar

Laura Seaver 31 Oct 2004 21:23

If you want to set up language school ahead of time, or just want to see some of the choices available, have a look at www.amerispan.com. They seem to act as a clearinghouse for language schools. I haven't booked anything through them, but I have been considering immersion language school and they seem a great source of info.


jklotz 1 Nov 2004 03:53

Great! Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.


jklotz 1 Nov 2004 03:54

Great! Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.


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