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closmann 3 Jan 2002 18:39

Laos or Thailand into Myanmar?
Hi. Were currently on our trip from Thailand to Holland. Does anyone know how to enter Myanmar by land, legally or illegally?Myanmar Embassy told us there's a NO-GO for motorbikes by land but has anyone ever managed to? If not, does someone have an advice on shipping from Thailand to India? Thanks. GREAT-site.

mmaarten 3 Jan 2002 19:59


Try contacting Chetry on journeys@mptmail.net.mm

He migh be able to help you.
Let us know how it works out.

Grant Johnson 3 Jan 2002 23:44

For shipping questions check out our Tripplan/Transport pages at http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tri...shipping.shtml

Bnagkok to Kathmandu info there, with good agent info that should be able to help out.

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

PanEuropean 4 Jan 2002 09:52


You might want to try contacting an embassy of the country of which you are a citizen, and asking them if they would be willing to write a "Consular Assistance" request letter to the local Myanmar embassy.

Often, countries will bend their rules slightly if the request is submitted formally from the consular affairs section of one embassy (that of the citizen making the request) to the consular affairs section of the country concerned. It's sort of a horse-trading deal between embassies - who knows when the Burmese might want to ask a favour of your country, if you know what I mean.

I don't know what country you are a citizen of, however, if your country has an embassy in Myanmar, then your odds of success are much better, because the request for assistance would be forwarded from your local embassy to the embassy of your country in Myanmar - and the consular staff there would know exactly who to approach in Yangon.

mmaarten 7 Jan 2002 12:56

I am afraid not many country's have an ambasy or consulat inside Myanmar. Also the "bending of rules" will not take place. Myanmar's military regime has very strict rules. Borderposts are open only for local trade. The only chanche is to contact a local travel-agent and hope for the best. What ever you do, don't try to enter iligaly.


PanEuropean 7 Jan 2002 13:20

Times may have changed - I lived and worked in Myanmar for over a year in the early '90's. At that time there were a considerable number of embassies - American, British, Australian, etc., with other countries represented by consuls.

My comments about asking for 'consular assistance' were not specific to Myanmar. Many times in the past, when I have run up against a brick wall trying to do something directly (e.g. individual contacting a foreign country), I have made progress or found a different approach possible by going through the consular affairs department of either my country of citizenship, or my employer's country.

I do agree with you that it would be most unwise to attempt to enter Myanmar without the appropriate permissions.

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