Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   leaving Bike In Central America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/leaving-bike-in-central-america-23885)

Don Burdick 28 Oct 2006 23:06

leaving Bike In Central America
I plan on leaving Seattle in Oct 2007 on an around the World trip. I will be doing this in one month stages, leaving the bike and flying home to work for a few months, then go back, pick-up where I left off. My question is, is it possible to leave the country with out the bike. Thanks Don

Lone Rider 29 Oct 2006 00:23

The vehicle is permitted for 'x' period of time. If your passport isn't marked with vehicle entry and you return to the bike and leave the country within that 'x' time frame, then you have no problem. I don't know what 'x' is for each country and which do mark the passport.

It is possible to enter Guatemala at a few borders without having any vehicle papers issued.

garrydymond 29 Oct 2006 21:53

You can do it in Mexico for as long as your tourist card is valid and the temp import docs on your bike. If you want to leave the bike here in Mex City just tell me. A friend left his bike here last year and had no problems. Flying out of Mex City may be cheaper than oher cities in Mexico. Plus you get to see one of the World's biggest cities

Mr. Ron 29 Oct 2006 22:39

Hello Gary. I'm curious, did your friend leave with the bike before the permit expired, or within the alloted time?

garrydymond 1 Nov 2006 00:42

He left within the alloted time. You can legally get the bike ouit after the alloted time bbut I can't remember how you do it. I know the give you a 2 day or 3 day permit to get out of the country. You have to do it in Mex City. I read this somewhere on the HUBB so if you look around you should be able to find it.

Mr. Ron 1 Nov 2006 06:16

Thanx Gary, i'll check it out.

Lizanne 4 Nov 2006 06:09

Leaving bike in central america
Max time in Mexico is 6 months (180 days) FYI

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