Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Libya again (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/libya-again-1615)

Charlie Money 30 Mar 2001 15:09

Libya again
Like a few others lately, I am wondering if anybody has any new news about the chances of getting into Libya as a solo traveller? According to these boards at the beginning of this year it was no longer for individual travellers to get into Libya. This question has cropped up a few times recently although there doesn't seem to be much information about.

However I noticed on Ted Simon's site (he of Jupiter's Travels fame) that he had made it from Tunisa through Libya into Egypt. Unfortunately he doesn't give any details about Libya, and it may well be that he was able to pull a few strings.

Please let me know if anyone has any new information.



Chris Scott 7 Apr 2001 17:27

It is possible to get into Libya, but you need a guide with you every day which in most cases spoils the trip and is very expensive - I'm sure this is what TD did - but it may not have been cool to mention it.
Whatever, it is not practical for a desert trip down south, just a quick transit across the top as I guess TD did.

Chris S

Chris S

Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things


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