Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   London - France - Costa Del Sol Spring 2009 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/london-france-costa-del-sol-41252)

Rob Hodder 3 Mar 2009 20:14

London - France - Costa Del Sol Spring 2009

Newbie here on the Hubb , - I've lurked for a while and everyone seems thouroughly decent so thought I'd join up.

I'm hoping to get a couple of weeks sometime between now and mid summer to bimble down to the Costa Del Sol from London. and back of course.

Just wondering what routes, sights and stops people would recommend me?

Thanks for any input.


Michael_London 10 Mar 2009 15:53

In southern Spain i would recommend seeing Ronda, Cordoba and Granada and Sevilla is meant to be worth a visit, although not been there myself.

Around Ronda, which is a couple of hours west of Malaga are some great roads, especially the road from nr Marbella to Ronda.

Rob Hodder 12 Mar 2009 20:14

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your ideas, I was beginning to feel a bit neglected!

I've driven that road from Ronda to Marbella a couple of times, but not ridden it yet. It's a superb piece of road, albeit pretty hairy with steep drops and plenty of switchbacks.

I'll be heading to Fuengirola, and because I like the Almeria region I'll probably be heading down the east coast of Spain - if so Valencia, Alicante, Almeria region and then across via Granada to Antequera (or through the Alpujarras) and down to Malaga and along the coast motorway to Fuengi.

However if I go through the centre of Spain down to Madrid then I may well try and get over to the Ronda side of things and down that amazing road.

What I'm pondering the most is the best route through southern France and whether to cross the pyrenees on the west (Hendaye?) or east side, or maybe there are some options straight across the middle - I don't really know?

Cheers Rob.

Michael_London 13 Mar 2009 00:45

Not ridden through France before so cannot offer any advice. There are a few routes through Pyrenees, although i have not used them myself, going along the east coast would be quicker but lots of people rave about the pyrenees so i'm sure it would be worth going through there.

Rob Hodder 31 Mar 2009 22:23

Well it looks as though this little trip is beginning to shape up. I'm looking at leaving 19th/20th April, eurotunnel to Calais and spending a week or so trundling down Malaga way.

There only seem to be a handful of routes over the pyrenees, and I'm just going to plump for one as the journey unfolds..should be fun.

Rob Hodder 16 Apr 2009 13:40

Still planning to leave this saturday (18th April), just hope that the chunnel stays open and doesn't get blockaded. If you know any french farmers or fishermen, please tell them I'm a nice bloke who deserves a trouble free holiday!!

Motivator 20 Apr 2009 21:50

Hi Rob,

You must be half way to Malaga now! Hope it`s going well. I`m on my way down that way beginning of May. Let me know how the trip`s shaping up and any road tips welcome!:thumbup1:

Rob Hodder 22 Apr 2009 09:33

Hi, mr motivator,

I´m currently in the campo not far from Barcelona. Enjoying it immensely, crossing the pyrenees was excellent, still mighty chilly up there though.

As you descend into spain it warms up immensely and it´s warm and sunny here in Mora La nova today. You´ll love the spanish roads, superb surfaces and stunning scenery. Met up with country contact Luis Oroma yesterday who has a BMW dealership and found a replacment screw for a carb dashpot and recommended a great onwards route. Many thanks Luis.

Motivator 25 Apr 2009 19:26

Hi Rob,

Really good to hear you`re enjoying the trip! Must say, I`m really excited about setting off beginning of May. Hope you`ll post a ride report when you get back.
Safe riding!

Rob Hodder 7 May 2009 22:02

Well the outward trip finished a couple of weeks ago and I'm currently writing it up on the travellors stories pages. Under my name of course!

Trouble is I've only written up day one so far, and can't upload photo's cos the upload software is at home.

However suffice to say that riding in spain is brilliant, - weather and roads mostly excellents, roads much less congested than UK and spanish drivers fine so long as they can overtake you at the first opportunity, which is fine, as I don't like tailgaters.

Finding accomodation was ok, if struggling just go into a bar and ask 'Ay un hotel por aqui' or something like that. Worked for me.

Rode 6 days in a row, 1631 miles to Costa del sol, then avoided the bike for several days and enjoyed the rest.

Homeward trip start in a little over a weeks time.

Regards Rob.

Dakota 8 May 2009 14:07

There's a great road from Torre del Mar, inland to Lake Vinuela, turn right just before the lake, through Zafarraya Pass and Alhama de Granada (stop off to see the gorge there), past Pantano de Bermejales and on to Granada.

Also, got to El Chorro. If you're still in Fuengirola, it's only a short ride away. And if you're near Antequera, take a detour to El Torcal.

Rob Hodder 8 May 2009 19:31

Hi Dakota,

Thanks very much for getting in touch! I know Riogordo a little bit, having stayed up the road in the Hotel Retamar a few years ago. Lovely part of the world to live in eh? oh well one day....

Thanks for all the suggestions, - Lake Vinuela I've seen - we visited Torre Del Mar from Riogordo so you can guess the route we took. Never taken the turning for Granada though.

El Torcal we've also seen, but never yet got round to El Chorro, - that's the lakes/dams isn't it?

I start the return journey in just over a weeks time. I'm toying with going out Lanjaron/Orgiva way and through the Alpujarras to Almeria region and perhaps stop near Cabo de Gato area, - any thoughts?

Best Regards Rob.

NewAdventurerLee 9 May 2009 19:13

very interesting thread Rob, sounds like a great trip. Please keep posting your route as it is of great help to some of us who are planning similar trips.


Rob Hodder 7 Jun 2009 23:42

Hi fellow Hubb'ers

Just a note to say that I've managed to write up all of the outward part of the trip, with piccies and everything. Who knows, may be of interest to someone contemplating a similar trip.


I guess I'd better get to work on writing up the return trip.

Cheers, Rob.

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