Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   London to Göteborg, Sweden - via mainland Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/london-g-teborg-sweden-via-34870)

TobyE 28 Apr 2008 18:31

London to Göteborg, Sweden - via mainland Europe
1 Attachment(s)
I am considering taking my Honda CBF500 to Göteborg in Sweden for the summer. I have tried to figure out how to do this at the lowest cost (petrol, accomodation, tolls, ferries etc) and I am thus considering taking the Dover-Calais ferry and then riding up through France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and finally crossing the Öresund bridge before reaching the south of Sweden.

As this would be the first time I go for a longer ride I would appreciate any tips or suggestions of any good roads, places to stay etc... anything would be appreciated really, as this is all new to me.

In my mind I am thinking the trip will require something like 3 overnight stays, but I don't know if this is pushing it slightly as this is my first trip. I will be looking at no-frills budget hostels, no camping for me this time. All in all the trip is a little bit over 1,000 miles in total.

Should I avoid the motorways on this route? I have heard many of the (at least French) motorways are often quite empty and pleasant to use in general. Would you say this is accurate? Perhaps many of the A-roads will be overcrowded and slow to use?

I know this is hardly the RTW adventure, but you have to start somewhere right!? Any feedback much appreciated.


Flyingdoctor 28 Apr 2008 18:56

I took this route last September to see what it would be like against using the ferry to Denmark. You end up riding on a lot of motorway. I stopped in Holland the first night Germany the second night and took the Puttgarden ferry and the Malmo bridge. If you ride up through Denmark maybe you will have to stop the extra night. I would get the Harwich-Esbjerg ferry and save yourself 2 days of your holiday and three nights accomodation costs. Do your riding on the back roads in Sweden.

Take a sleeping bag and you'll be able to stay on campsites in cabins. Cheaper than budget hotels and they're everywhere too.

TobyE 28 Apr 2008 19:09

Great! I'll take a look at the Harwich-Esbjerg ferry option. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Flyingdoctor (Post 187179)
I would get the Harwich-Esbjerg ferry and save yourself 2 days of your holiday and three nights accomodation costs.

TobyE 28 Apr 2008 19:23

I don't know what I expected, but £150 seems to be the minimum cost, which feels pricey. But as you say I'll need to factor in the accommodation cost etc if I take to the roads instead.

Flyingdoctor 28 Apr 2008 19:38

Toby, that's the price I'm afraid maybe more if you have a cabin. I'm sure that the cost of the extra fuel and accom costs with the current £-Euro exchange would come out the same.

If you want to ride up through Denmark, the west coast is quite nice. Sand dunes and little villages. Also the last chance for cheap beer! You can get the Frederikshavn-Goteborg ferry which is about a 4 hour trip. I think it cost about £35. Lots of choices! Have fun.

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